CommScope Sample Verbal Questions

DIRECTIONS for the question 1-2: The sentence has some blanks with four answer choices. Pick the best option which completes the sentence in the most meaningful manner.
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  1. The world of electric cars has seen a flood of recently contrived and conceptualized concept cars, making researchers in the field understandably _______; yet the basic inimical nature of such a path-breaking field means that much of enthusiasm needs to be _______ a heavy dose of reality.
    1. chafed, seasoned with
    2. perturbed, compounded by
    3. energized, mollified with
    4. agog, precluded by
    Answer:  Option C.
    In the given case, the world of electric cars has caused of a lot of excitement (as represented by the words energized or agog). But there are problems that need to be kept in mind. The best word that does that for us is ‘mollified’, as it means ‘make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else’. In the given case, it would refer to the act of moderating our expectations keeping reality in mind. The first two options cannot be used as they use negative words for the first blank, and the last option uses the word precluded (make impossible, especially beforehand), a word that cannot be used in the given context.
  2. The problem of all successful artists seems to be same: as they gain more _________ as an artist, their life seems to become even more ________.
    1. success, erratic
    2. distinction, turbulent
    3. temperance, unfortunate
    4. notoriety, fanatical
    Answer: Option  B.
    Option B. We need a pair of words that showcase how the life of artist changes when he becomes successful or famous. We discover this pair in option B. The two words used here fit the context perfectly and represent the problems faced by a successful artist. Option A comes really close but when we compare erratic and turbulent, we can see that turbulent reflects a much wider spectrum of emotion than erratic, which only focuses on one aspect. This makes option B the better answer in the given context.
    DIRECTIONS for the question 3-4: In the sentence provided different ways of writing a sentence are indicated. Choose the best way of writing the sentence that is grammatically correct.
  3. 1. An independent and impartial judiciary of undisputed integrity is a kin to a bedrock institution ensuring a compliant democracy and rule of law.
    2. Independence of an impartial judiciary with undisputed integrity is a bedrock institution akin to ensuring compliance with democratic rule of law.
    3. Undisputed integrity and independence of an impartial judiciary ensures compliance to democracy and rule of the law which is a kin to bedrock institution.
    4. An independent and impartial judiciary of undisputed integrity is akin to a bedrock institution ensuring compliance with democracy and rule of law
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    Answer: Option  D.
    Option D. In option A. and option C “a kin” means “relative” like we say the next of kin while in the sentence the word needs to be akin which means similar to. In option B, it is incorrectly implying that bedrock institution is akin to ensuring compliance with democratic rule of law. Also democracy and rule of law needs to be two different things.
  4. 1. Though this may sound a far cry from the Bangalore Principles of Conduct adopted in 2002 by judges from across the world including India, the 1997 statements are based on the Doctrine of Necessity, given the peculiar facts under the Indian scenario.
    2. Though this may sound a far cry from the Bangalore Principles of Conduct adapted in 2002 by judges from across the world including India, the 1997 statements are based on the Doctrine of Necessity, given the peculiar facts under the Indian scenario.
    3. Even though this may sound a far cry from the Bangalore Principles of Conduct adapted since 2002 by judges from across the world including India, the 1997 statements are based on the Doctrine of Necessity, given the peculiar facts under the Indian scenario.
    4. Though this may sound a far cry from the Bangalore Principles of Conduct adopted on 2002 by the judges from across the world including India, the 1997 statements are based on the Doctrine of Necessity, given the peculiar facts under the Indian scenario.
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    Answer: Option  A.
    Option A. We need the word adopted here as we want to compare the 1997 statements with those taken up in 2002. Adapted means familiarizing yourself with. We would use adopted on a particular day, but adopted in a particular year. Option B & option C rejected because of the use of the word 'adapted' instead of 'adopted'.
    DIRECTION for question 5: In each question the beginning of a sentence is given, followed by a blank. From the options given, choose the best alternative that makes the most meaningful sentence.
  5.  There is no agency, either among NGO's or in the government _______________________.
    1. that is reaching out effectively to the youth, to address their needs and clarify the root causes of social disturbance
    2. that is reaching out effectively to the youth and addressing their needs or clarifying the root causes of social disturbance
    3. that reaches out effectively to the youth thus addressing their needs or clarifying the root causes of social disturbance
    4. that is reaching out to youths and addressing their needs to clarify the root causes of social disturbance.
    Answer:  Option  B.
    Parallel construction.
    Option A: violates parallelism
    Option B: It has the correct usage of 'reaching out and addressing'
    Option C: Unnecessary making it cause and effect
    Option D: 'to clarify the root' is wrongly used.
    DIRECTIONS for questions 6 to 10: Read the passage and answer the question based on it.
    Time was when people looked heavenward and prayed, “Ye Gods, given us rain, keep drought away,” Today there are those who pray. “Give us rain, keep EI Nino away.” El Nino and its atmospheric equivalent, called the Southern Oscillation, are together referred to as ENSO, and are household words today. Meteorologists organize it as often being responsible for natural disaster worldwide. But this wisdom dawned only after countries suffered, first from the lack of knowledge, and then from the lack of coordination between policy making and the advancement in scientific knowledge.
    Put simply, El Nino is a weather event restricted to certain tropical shores, epically the Peruvian coast. The event has diametrically opposite impacts on the land and sea. The Peruvian shore is a desert. But every few years, an unusually warm ocean current - El Nino - warms up the normally cold surface-waters of the Peruvian coast, causing very heavy rains in the early half of the year.
    And then, miraculously, the desert is matted green. Crops like cotton, coconuts and banana grow on the other wise stubbornly barren land. These are the Peruvians’ anos de abundancia or years of abundance. The current had come to be termed El Nino, or the Christ Child because it usually appears as an enhancement if a mildly warm current that normally occurs here around every Christmas.
    But this boon on land is accompanied by oceanic disasters. Normally, the waters off the South American coast are among the most productive in the world because of a constant up swelling of nutrient rich cold waters from the ocean depths. During an El Nino, however waters are stirred up only from near the surface. The nutrient-crunch pushes down primary production, disrupting the food chain. Many marine species, including anchoveta (anchovies) temporarily disappear.
    This is just one damming effect of El Nino. Over the years its full impact has been studied and what the Peruvians once regarded as manna, is now seen as a major threat.
  6. Meteorologist took time to understand El Nino because
    1. It was neither a disaster nor a boon for the people living in desert areas.
    2. They recognized it as an atmospheric equivalent and hence called it Southern Oscillation
    3. They suffered from lack of knowledge about El Nino as they were not scientifically advanced
    4. All of the above
    Answer: Option  C.
    According to 2nd paragraph lines ‘But this wisdom dawned only after countries suffered, first from the lack of knowledge, and then from the lack of coordination between policy making and the advancement in scientific knowledge’, it is clear that Meteorologist took time to understand El Nino because they suffered from the lack of knowledge about El Nino as they were not scientifically advanced. Hence answer is option C.
  7. El Nino in a layman language is
    1. a natural disaster
    2. Southern Oscillation
    3. a weather event
    4. None of the above
    Answer: Option  D.
    Refer to the 4th para as People used to refer it as ‘The current had come to be termed El Nino, or the Christ Child because it usually appears as an enhancement if a mildly warm current that normally occurs here around every Christmas’, hence answer is option D
  8. What are the two types of landscapes that are affected by El Nino?
    1. Coastal areas and sea
    2. Tropical shores and land
    3. Deserts and oceans
    4. All of the above
    Answer: Option B
    The lines Put simply, El Nino is a weather event restricted to certain tropical shores, epically the Peruvian coast. The event has diametrically opposite impacts on the land and sea. The Peruvian shore is a desert. ‘ it is clear that answer is option B.
  9. Which word in Para 4 is the antonym for - ‘Fertile’?
    1. matted
    2. Abundance
    3. Barren
    4. None of the above
    Answer: Option C.
    Opposite will be ‘barren’. Hence, C is correct
  10.  What, according to the author, is a positive effect of El Nino?
    1. It causes change in atmosphere.
    2. It results in vegetation of barren lands
    3. It comes around Christmas
    4. It is regarded as manna
    Answer: Option B.
    As per the lines of para 3 ‘But every few years, an unusually warm ocean current - El Nino - warms up the normally cold surface-waters of the Peruvian coast, causing very heavy rains in the early half of the year. And then, miraculously, the desert is matted green. Crops like cotton, coconuts and banana grow on the otherwise stubbornly barren land, it is clear that answer is option B
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