All About Google

Google is an American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. These include online advertising technologies, search, cloud computing, and software. Most of its profits are derived from AdWords, an online advertising service that places advertising near the list of search results. Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University. Together they own about 14 percent of its shares but control 56 percent of the stockholder voting power through supervoting stock. They incorporated Google as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. An initial public offering followed on August 19, 2004. Its mission statement from the outset was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," and its unofficial slogan was "Don't be evil."In 2004, Google moved to its new headquarters in Mountain View, California, nicknamed the Googleplex. Rapid growth since incorporation has triggered a chain of products, acquisitions and partnerships beyond Google's core search engine. It offers online productivity software including email (Gmail), a cloud storage service (Google Drive), an office suite (Google Docs) and a social networking service (Google+). Desktop products include applications for web browsing, organizing and editing photos, and instant messaging. The company leads the development of the Android mobile operating system and the browser-only Chrome OS[15] for a netbook known as a Chromebook. Google has moved increasingly into communications hardware: it partners with major electronics manufacturers in the production of its "high-quality low-cost" Nexus devices and acquired Motorola Mobility in May 2012. In 2012, a fiber-optic infrastructure was installed in Kansas City to facilitate a Google Fiber broadband service.

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Head Quarters:
  • Menlo Park, California
Key People:
  • Chief Executive Officer – Sundar Pichai
  • Ruth Porat (CFO)
  • Google has had many logos since its renaming from BackRub. The first logo was created by Sergey Brin using GIMP, but the current official Google logo was designed by Ruth Kedar, and is a wordmark based on the Catull typeface, an old style serif typeface designed by Gustav Jaeger for the Berthold Type Foundry in 1982. The company also includes various modifications or humorous features, such as cartoon modifications of their logo for use on holidays, birthdays of famous people, and major events, such as the Olympics. These special logos, some designed by Dennis Hwang, have become known as Google Doodles.
Net Revenue:
  • US$66.001 billion (2014)
Total Number of Employees
  •  57,100 ( Q2 2015)
 Official Website:
  • IDC MarketScape – “Leader” in Worldwide Business Analytics BPO Services.
    • Gartner 2014 Magic Quadrant for Global Finance and Accounting BPO – “Leader” for fifth consecutive year
  • NelsonHall 2014 NEAT rankings:
    • “Leader” in Global Property and Casualty Insurance BPO Market
    • “Leader” in Global Capital Markets BPO.
  • HfS 2014 Blueprint rankings:
    • “Winner’s Circle” in Global Insurance BPO Services Market.
    • “High Performer” in Global Mortgage Services BPO Market
  • Alsbridge Innovation Awards 2014 – Excellence and Innovation Through Outsourcing, Google-GSK partnership on GSK “Brand Love” program.
  • American Society for Quality 2014 – International Excellence Award, Bronze
  • Shared Services Outsourcing Network (SSON) Asia Award - “Excellence in Value Creation” category for contribution to a US investment advisory major
  • European Outsourcing Association Awards – End User of the Year, Google and Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. and Momentive Performance Materials Inc
  • National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) Corporate Awards for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion – Best BPO Company.
  • NetApp India Innovation Awards – NetApp Trendsetter Award, Enterprise Mobility and Innovative Use of Data Storage
  • International Data Group 2013 CIO Awards, The Astute 100 – Sanjeev Prasad, Google Chief Information Officer.
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