Siemens Sample Verbal Questions

DIRECTIONS for the question 1-4: Study the passages below and answer the questions that follow the passage.

Mysterious stone carvings made thousands of years ago and uncovered recently in an excavation underneath Jerusalem have archaeologists stumped. Israeli diggers who uncovered a complex of rooms carved into the bedrock in the oldest section of the city recently found the markings - three "V" shapes cut next to each other into the limestone floor of one of the rooms, about 5 cm deep and 50 cm long. There were no finds to offer any clues to the identity of who made them or for what purpose. The archaeologists in charge of the dig know so little that they have been unable even to posit a theory, said one of the two directors of the dig. "The markings are very strange, and very intriguing. I've never seen anything like them," he said. The shapes were found in a dig known as the City of David, a politically sensitive excavation conducted by Israeli government archaeologists and funded by a nationalist Jewish group under the Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan in east Jerusalem. The rooms were unearthed as part of the excavation of fortifications around the ancient city's only natural water source, the Gihon spring. It is possible, the dig's archaeologists say, that when the markings were made at least 2,800 years ago, the shapes might have accommodated some kind of wooden structure that stood inside them, or they might have served some other purpose on their own. They might have had a ritual function or one that was entirely mundane. Archaeologists faced with a curious artifact can usually at least venture a guess about its nature. In this case, no one, including outside experts and the dig's co-director, archaeologists with decades of experience between them, has any idea. There appears to be at least one other ancient marking of the same type at the site. A century-old map of an expedition led by the British explorer Montague Parker, who searched for the lost treasures of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem between 1909 and 1911, includes the shape of a "V" drawn in an underground channel not far away. Modern archaeologists haven't excavated that area yet. Ceramic shards found in the rooms indicate they were last used around 800 B.C., with Jerusalem under the rule of Judean kings, the dig's archaeologists say. At around that time, the rooms appear to have been filled with rubble to support the construction of a defensive wall.

  1. What is the effect that the recently uncovered ancient stone carvings in Jerusalem have had on archaeologists ?
    1. No special effect
    2. One of disbelief
    3. Left them perplexed
    4. None of these
    Answer:  Option B.
    The initial lines highlight the impact which is of disbelief
  2. What might have been the purpose for which the markings were made ?
    1. To support some wooden structure.
    2. To be part of a ritual.
    3. To intrigue unexpected visitors to the room.
    1. A only
    2. A & B
    3. C only
    4. A, B & C
    Answer: Option  B.
    Options A and B have been mentioned in the passage
  3. Who led the team of archaeologists at Jerusalem ?
    1. The British explorer Montague Parker.
    2. The Judean kings.
    3. Israeli government archaeologists.
    4. Palestinian neighbors
    Answer: Option  D.
    Option 4 is the most appropriate
  4. What else was found in the room in which Israeli diggers recently found the three "V" shaped markings ?
    1. century old map
    2. Ceramic shards
    3. Another "V" shaped marking not for away.
    1. A, B, & C
    2. A & B
    3. B only
    4. B & C
    Answer: Option  C.
    Ceramic shards is the correct answer as mentioned towards the end of the passage
    DIRECTIONS for the question 5-8:Which of the phrases given against the sentence should replace the word/phrase underlined in the sentence to make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it given and no correction is required mark 'No correction required' as the answer.
  5. Top managers are often stymied by the difficult of managing conflict
    1. Difficulties of managing
    2. Difficulty of managing
    3. Difficult for management
    4. Difficult of management
    5. No correction required
    Answer:  Option  A.
    Option 1 is the correct answer as the subject is plural
  6. Reaching collective decisions based on individual preferences is an imperfect science.
    1. Based for
    2. Based
    3. Basis in
    4. Based in
    5. No correction required
    Answer: Option  E.
    This sentence is correct
  7. Hollywood bare escaped being totally sidelined by the rise of television
    1. Bare escapism
    2. Barely escapism
    3. Bare escapes
    4. Barely escaped
    5. No correction required
    Answer: Option  D.
    Option 4 corrects the sentence appropriately.
  8. Taking good decisions and implement those quickly are the hallmarks of high performing organizations.
    1. Implementation quickly
    2. Implementing quick
    3. Implementing them quickly
    4. Quick implementing those
    5. No correction required
    Answer: Option C.
    Option 3 adequately corrects the given sentence
    DIRECTIONS for the question 9-10:In the following passage, these are blanks each of which has been numbered. Against each, five word are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
    WHO estimates that, within the next few years, non-communicable diseases will become the principal global (9) of morbidity and mortality. The role of diet in the diagnostic of most non-communicable diseases is well (10).
    1. session
    2. Effect
    3. Result
    4. Causes
    5. Trouble
    Answer: Option  D.
    Causes is the right answer
    1. document
    2. Established
    3. Aware
    4. Timed
    5. Proportioned
    Answer: Option B.
    Established fits in the most
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