Infosys Reasoning Questions

Reasoning questions are asked in placement tests of most of the companies. This section has questions from topics like arrangements, syllogisms, series, data sufficiency, cryptarithmetic, etc. Reasoning section basically tests the deductive and inductive skills of the candidates. To give you a glimpse of these questions, we have provided a sample Infosys reasoning test here:
Infosys Reasoning Questions
  1. F: 216: : L: ?
    1. 1700
    2. 1600
    3. 1723
    4. 1728
    Answer: Option D
    "F = 6 : (6)3 = 216
    L = 12 : (12)3 = 1728. Hence answer is option D"
  2. If 264 * 2 = 6, 870 * 3 = 11, then what should 735 * 5 be?
    1. 16
    2. 03
    3. 05
    4. 12
    Answer: Option D
    Hence answer is option D
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DIRECTIONS for the questions 3 to 4: n the following question, a series is given with some blanks. Check which of the terms given in the options can replace the blanks so that the series becomes a logical one. Then the option which makes that possible will be the answer.
  1. b_ ab _ b_ aab _ b
    1. abba
    2. baaa
    3. aabb
    4. Abbb
    Answer: Option D

    Hence the answer is option D i.e abbb
  2. __ bcab __ cabc __ abca __b
    1. aabc
    2. bbca
    3. abac
    4. abca
    Answer: Option D

    Hence the answer is option D ( abca ).
    DIRECTIONS for the question 5: Solve the following question and mark the most appropriate option.
  3. If the first and second letters in the word ‘COMMUNICATIONS’ were interchanged, also the third and the fourth letters, the 5th and 6th letters and so on, which letter would be the tenth letter counting from your right?
    1. A
    2. T
    3. N
    4. U
    Answer: Option C
    DIRECTIONS for the questions 6 to 9: Solve the following question and mark the most appropriate option.
    Answer the questions on the basis of following information.
    The plan above shows an office block for six officers, A, B, C, D, E and F.
    Both B and occupy offices to the right of the corridor (as one enters the office).
    A occupies an office to the left of the corridor.
    E and F occupy offices on opposite sides of the corridor but their offices do not face each other.
    The offices of C and D face each other.
    E does not have a corner office.
    F’s office is further down the corridor than A’s but on the same side.
  4. Who is/are F’s neighbor(s)?
    1. A only
    2. A and D
    3. C only
    4. B and C
    Answer: Option A
    The final arrangement is shown below:
    So, F's neighbour is A.
  5. D was heard telling someone to go further down the corridor to the last office on the right. To whose room was he directing that person?
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. F
    Answer: Option B
    The final arrangement is shown below:
    The last person down the corridor on the right must be B.
  6. Whose office faces A’s office?
    1. B
    2. C
    3. D
    4. E
    Answer: Option D
    he final arrangement is shown below:
    E's office faces A's.
  7. If E sits in her office and faces the corridor, whose office is to her left?
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    Answer: Option C
    The final arrangement is shown below:
    So, C's office falls on her left.
  8. Statements : All fish are trees. No frog is tree.
    Conclusions : I. No frog is fish.
    II. Some trees are fish.
    1. If only conclusion I follows
    2. If only conclusion II follows
    3. If both conclusions follow
    4. If neither of the two conclusions follows
    Answer: Option C

    So, both conclusions follow.
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