Test Pattern & Selection Procedure of Newgen

NewGen Software  is a global IT service provider. The main function of the company is that it provides Enterprise content management, customer communication management and business process management solutions to government and corporate organizations. The Newgen Test-Pattern and Selection-Procedure is as follows:
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Selection Process:
The Company conducts recruitment process every year to select new candidates. The selection process of the company consists of 3 rounds. These rounds are as follows:
  • Online Written Test(AMCAT)
  • Technical / HR Interview
  • Versant Test
Academic Criteria:
  • 60% throughout (Class X , XII, Graduation).
  • No backlogs.
Pattern of Written Exam:
Testing Areas Number of Questions
Quantitative Aptitude                    10
Technical                    25
Verbal                    30
Total                    65
The total time allotted in the written exam is 60 minutes. There is no negative marking in the paper.
  • Verbal Ability section consists of short reading comprehension passages. This section also consists of basic grammar usage questions like fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, paragraph completion, sentence correction, vocabulary, sentence ordering etc.
  • Quantitative Ability section consists of questions from the topics like algebra, time & work, time, speed & distance, arithmetic, percentages, probability, permutation & combination, profit & loss, HCF, LCM, geometry, etc. This section is of moderate level.
  • Technical section involved questions from Computer Programs, Data structures & Basic algorithms and C programming. This section was tough and required thorough preparation. A person whose basics are clear could easily excel in this section.

Besides the written test a psychometric test is also held. In this paper, there are 50 questions that candidate has to answer in 30 minutes. There are no marks allotted in this exam. Psychometric test is basically used by the HR during the HR interview round.

Overall the level of the paper is moderate to difficult. Only those candidates who clear the written exam will qualify for the next round.

*The Company reserves the right to make changes in the written exam.
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