Newgen Reasoning Question

DIRECTIONS for questions 1-5: Answer the questions based on the following paragraph.
Five golfers, C, D, E, F and G, play a series of matches in which the following are always true of the results. Either C is last and G is first or C is first and G is last. D finishes ahead of E. Every golfer plays in and finishes every match. There are no ties in any match; that is, no 2 players ever finish in the same position in a match.
  1. If exactly 1 golfer finishes between C and D, which of the following must be true?
    1. C finishes first
    2. G finishes first
    3. F finishes third
    4. E finishes fourth
    Answer: Option D
    G/C D E G/C
    ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ Wherever C lies, E finish after D and hence, will be in the fourth position

    C/G _____ _____ _____ _____ C/G
    1 2 3 4 5
    D finish before E.
  2. Which of the following CANNOT be true?
    1. E finishes second
    2. F finishes second
    3. E finishes ahead of F
    4. F finishes ahead of D
    Answer: Option A
    E will never come before D, hence, it can never come in the second position.
    C/G _____ _____ _____ _____ C/G
    1 2 3 4 5
    D finish before E
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  1. If D finishes third, which of the following must be true?
    1. G finishes first
    2. E finishes ahead of F
    3. F finishes ahead of E
    4. F finishes behind D
    Answer: Option C
    Clear from the arrangement
    C/G _____ _____ _____ _____ C/G
    1 2 3 4 5
    D finish before E.
  2. If C finishes first, in how many different orders is it possible for the other golfers to finish?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    Answer: Option C
    C D E F G
    C D F E G
    C F D E G

    C/G _____ _____ _____ _____ C/G
    1 2 3 4 5
    D finish before E.
  3. Which of the following additional conditions make it certain that F finishes second ?
    1. C finishes ahead of D
    2. D finishes ahead of F
    3. F finishes ahead of D
    4. D finishes behind G
    Answer: Option C
    Clear from the arrangement

    C/G _____ _____ _____ _____ C/G
    1 2 3 4 5
    D finish before E.
    DIRECTIONS for questions 6-7: From the set of numbers given in the four alternatives, which is the most similar to the set given in the question
  4. If ‘+’ means ‘divided by’ ‘-’ means ‘multiplied by’ ‘ ×’ means ‘minus’ and ‘÷’ means ‘plus’ then what is the value of the following expression? 8 + 6 − 2 ÷ 4× 4
    1. 12
    2. 2/3
    3. 3/2
    4. None of these
    Answer: Option D
    8 ÷ 6 × 2 + 4 − 4 =8⁄ 3 Hence D Option.
  5. What will be the next term of the series? DCXW FEVU HGTS ------
    1. LKPO
    2. ABYZ
    3. JIRQ
    4. LMRS
    Answer: Option C
    In first alphabet, that is difference of 1 alphabet. Same in H to J case. Thus answer is C.
    DIRECTIONS for questions 8-9:Answer the following questions independent to each other
  6. If English alphabets are written in reverse order, what will be the fourth letter to the right from the 13th letter
    1. J
    2. L
    3. K
    4. M
    Answer: Option A
    From the left, 13th letter is N and to the right of N, fourth letter is J.
  7. If (i) A * B means A is the brother of B. (ii) A # B means A is the daughter of B. (iii) A $ B means A is the sister of B. Which one of the following shows the relation that Q is the niece of P?
    1. P $ R # Q
    2. P * R # Q
    3. Q # R $ P
    4. Q # R # P
    Answer: Option C
  8. House : Windows :: Man : ?
    1. Emotion
    2. Eyes
    3. Speech
    4. Brain
    Answer: Option B

    Answer is B option.
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