Ittiam Sample Verbal Questions

DIRECTIONS for question 1-2: Choose the explanation that best reflects the spirit of the idiom/proverb/phrase given in each question.
  1. To make clean breast of:
    1. To tell the truth about something
    2. To gain prominence
    3. To destroy before it blooms
    4. To praise oneself
    Answer:  Option A.
    The meaning of the idiom is – to tell the truth about something, especially something bad or illegal that you have done so that you don’t have to feel guilty about it anymore; therefore the answer is option 1.
  2. A man of straw:
    1. A creditable man
    2. A very active man
    3. A man of no or little substance
    4. An unreasonable man
    Answer: Option C.
    The idiom means a person or an idea that is weak or easy to defeat, hence the answer is option 3, which means the same.
    DIRECTIONS for question 3: In each of the following questions, a related pair of words is followed by four pairs of words or phrases. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the one expressed in the question pair.
  1. Statute : Law
    1. Proviso : Clause
    2. Chapter : Exercise
    3. University : School
    4. Section : Illustration
    Answer: Option C
    Statute is a written law, and a proviso is a deed , lease inserted into a clause.
    DIRECTIONS for question 4: Each question consists of five statements (a-e) followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument; that is, where the third statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two statements.
  2. a. All captains are great players.
    b. Some captains are successful sports administrators.
    c. Ritwik is a captain.
    d. Ritwik is a great player.
    e. Some successful sports administrators are great players.
    1. acd
    2. abe
    3. dca
    4. edc
    Answer: Option  A.
    A an C are facts from which we can easily conclude D.
    DIRECTIONS for question 5: Given below are a few foreign language phrases which are commonly used. Choose the correct meaning for each of the phrases.
  3. Ex officio
    1. By virtue of previously held position
    2. Former official
    3. By virtue of office
    4. Outside the office
    Answer:  Option  A.
    This phrase means - by virtue of one's position or status, hence option 1 which means the same.
    DIRECTIONS for the question 6 to 10: Read the passage and answer the question based on it.
    Akbar was the son of humble parents. His father was a school master. There was never very much money in the house so he didn't enjoy any luxuries. All he wanted was to learn more and more. Books were not easily available then as they were handwritten and very expensive. Akbar read all the books that he could lay his hands on. In due course he mastered Arabic, Persian, Philosophy and Astronomy and dreamt of getting a position at the royal court. But for this, one had to really excel in some field. Also one needed a patron close enough to the Emperor, to recommend a newcomer. It was a few months before he could find a patron and a few more months before he could find a suitable opportunity to recommend him to the Emperor who asked what he had learnt and what work he could do. On hearing the same, he said, "We are pleased to give the young man a chance. Let him take charge of the royal poultry house!" When he heard the news he was heartbroken. He, a scholar, capable of debating with the most learned men was asked to look after clucking hens! All the same he got down to work with great determination. His only concern was hens. He saw to it that they were well-fed and had clean water, that their living quarters were clean, and if a fowl took ill it was separated from the others and given proper treatment. Meanwhile, the Emperor had forgotten about the scholar he had packed offto mind the hens. But one day while his finance minister was reading out the palace accounts to tell the Emperor how much money had been spent on the royal household, he mentioned such a low figure that the Emperor sat up. "Have most of the hens died?" he asked. "No, Your Majesty," was the reply. "The hens are not only alive but are plump and fit." "Send for the scholar!" the Emperor demanded. When Akbar came to the palace the Emperor demanded, "Aren't you feeding the hens properly?" "I am sure, only the food is different! I'm feeding them what cannot be used in the royal kitchen, vegetable peels and dough used to seal the vessels while cooking for your Majesty. The hens not only enjoy it, but it is also very good for them." "Good work, we hereby promote you to the rank of royal librarian." Akbar was bitterly disappointed. He had spent the first thirty years of his life gaining knowledge. Now he wished to air that knowledge and help people. Instead, as head of the royal library he would be seeing only books and no people. But he buckled down to organise the library. A year later the Emperor came to visit the library. He was surprised to find each book covered with a jacket of silk, velvet or brocade. There were hundreds of books and not one without a cover. "You have used expensive material to cover the books but have not charged us. Surely you are not spending your own money?" Akbar bowed low, "Your Majesty, these covers did not cost anything. Everyday dozens of people come to the royal court with humble grievances on sheets of paper which are folded and placed inside a bag of the most expensive material that they can afford. can afford. Your Majesty, ministers take out the paper but the bags are discarded. I discovered these bags lying in a store behind the royal court. The royal tailors soon made them into jackets for the books. Since the tailors are working for the emperor they charged nothing.” The emperor looked at Akbar and smiled broadly. He was so impressed with him that he granted him a position in the royal court. And that is how, through patience and hard work he finally fulfilled his most cherished desire.
  4. Which of the following can be said about Akbar's family? A. They were poor and uneducated. B. They discouraged him from becoming courtier. C. He was ashamed of them and did not introduce them at Court.
    1. None
    2. Only A
    3. B and C
    4. Only C
    5. All of these
    Answer: Option  A.
    Family was poor, but his father being a teacher, they were not uneducated. The king appointed him the responsibility of hens. It is no where mentioned in the passage about Akbar being ashamed.
  5. Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage?
    A. Akbar was aged when he was finally made a courtier.
    B. Akbar excelled at whatever job the Emperor assigned him.
    C. The Emperor did not value a person's education but his family background.
    1. All of these
    2. Only B
    3. A and B
    4. B and C
    5. Only A
    Answer: Option  B.
    From the passage it is clear that whatever responsibilities were given to Akbar,
    he handled them well and was praised by the king every time.
  6. How many years, of Akbar life, were spent gaining knowledge?
    1. 50
    2. 20
    3. 10
    4. 30
    5. None of these
    Answer: Option D
    From the lines ‘He had spent the first thirty years of his life gaining knowledge’, it clear that answer is option 4.
  7. Choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the word BITTERLY given in bold as used in the passage.
    1. Moderately
    2. Angrily
    3. Sourly
    4. Freezing
    5. Gladly
    Answer: Option  A.
    Bitterly as per line "Akbar was bitterly disappointed" means extremely. hence the correct answer is A.
  8. How did Akbar handle his appointment as royal librarian?
    1. He was angry and was waiting for an opportunity to tell the King.
    2. He was thrilled since he loved books.
    3. He was disappointed but put his best efforts into the job.
    4. He considered it a good opportunity to learn more.
    5. He was very happy since he preferred reading to interacting with people.
    Answer: Option C.
    As per the lines ‘"Good work, we hereby promote you to the rank of royal librarian. "Akbar was bitterly disappointed: He had spent the first thirty years of his life gaining knowledge. How he wished to gain that knowledge and help people. Instead as head of the royal library he would be seeing only books and no people. But he buckled down to organizing the library’, it is clear that initially he was disappointed but he gave the best he could.
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