Technical Questions asked in Grapecity

  1. In 8086, overflow flag is set when___________________
    1. The sum is more than 16 bits
    2. Signed numbers go out of their range after an arithmetic operation
    3. Carry and sign flags are set
    4. During subtraction

    Answer : Option B.
  2. Which of the following data structures are used in RDBMS?
    1. Graph
    2. Array of structures
    3. Trees
    4. None of these

    Answer : Option B.
  1. The memory allocated during COMPILE time is
    1. Dynamic
    2. Static
    3. Automatic
    4. Hybrid

    Answer : Option B.
  2. When we concatenate two strings s1 and s2 of size m and n, size of the resultant string is always -
    1. of size m + n
    2. of size less than m + n
    3. of size m * n
    4. of size max(m, n)

    Answer : Option A.
  3. Follow the code snippet and chose the correct statement(s)
    int x;
    void f2()
    int x = 1 ; // line 1
    :: x = 2; // line 2
    x = 2; // line 3
    1. The statement in line 1 throws a compilation error
    2. In line 2 , x=2 is assigned to the global x
    3. In line 3, x=2 is assigned to the global x and line 2 throws compilation error
    4. Both A and B

    Answer : Option B.
  4. Inserting a node after a given node in doubly linked list requires -
    1. one pointer changes
    2. two pointer changes
    3. three pointer changes
    4. four pointer changes

    Answer : Option D.
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