Technical Questions asked in Essar

  1. A fly cutter is used on (10.13)
    1. Lathe
    2. Shaper
    3. Milling machine
    4. Slotter
    5. Planer
    Answer:  Option C.
  1. Brown and Sharpe taper is generally used in (10.64)
    1. lathes
    2. Drills
    3. Shapers
    4. Milling machines
    5. Broaching Mach
    Answer: Option  D.
  2. Floating of a currency leads to (11.100)
    1. Devaluation
    2. Revaluation
    3. Over valuation
    4. Either devaluation or revaluation
    5. Either revaluation or over-valuation
    Answer: Option  D.
  3. The mode is (12.42)
    1. Same as median
    2. The arithmetic average of the distribution
    3. The geometric average of the distribution
    4. The score with greatest frequency of distribution
    Answer: Option  D.
  4. Which one of the following materials will have lowest cutting speed (10.50)
    1. Mild steel
    2. Aluminium
    3. Brass
    4. High carbon steel
    Answer: Option  D.
  5. Which adhesive is used for plywood work (9.297)
    1. Gum
    2. guar gum
    3. fevicol
    4. Castor oil
    5. Any greasy material
    Answer: Option C
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