Syntel Sample Verbal Questions

DIRECTIONS for the question 1-2: Read the sentence to find if there is any grammatical error in it .If there is any error, it will be only in one part of the sentence .The number of that part is your answer.
  1. Mangal Pandey was well known (1)/ because he was involved (2)/ in the initial stages (3)/ Of the Indian rebellion(4) / No error(5)
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    Answer:  Option A.
    "Is needs to be replaced with was. Mangal Pandey is still well known
  2. Most of the Indian populations still lives (1)/ in its villages and thus the contribution of (2)/ agriculture to Indian economy (3)/ becomes very important (4)/ No Error (5)
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    Answer: Option  A.
    Populations should be replaced with population as population itself is a collective noun and used in singular.
    DIRECTIONS for the question 3-5: Each question below has a blank, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
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  1. Rohit _____________ a huge library and has a large collection of books in it.
    1. wants
    2. has
    3. wanted
    4. had
    5. needs
    Answer: Option  B.
    'Has' as he posses the library or as library belonged to Rohit.
  2. Rachna liked her room to be exactly the way she left it and she would ______allow anyone to touch her things.
    1. always
    2. sometimes
    3. willingly
    4. never
    5. none of these
    Answer: Option  D.
    The context says that she always liked her room to be exactly she left so she would 'never' allow anybody to touch the things or change the setting.
  3. Elephants are the largest living land animals ______________earth today.
    1. at
    2. in
    3. on
    4. the
    Answer:  Option  C.
    Preposition 'on' is required when something is reffered on the surface of anything.
    DIRECTIONS for the question 6-10: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
    One day, a hunter came to the tree in search of prey and he saw Sindhuka's droppings hit the ground and turn into gold. The hunter was struck with wonder. He thought, "I have been hunting birds and small animals since I was a boy, but in all my 40 years, I have never seen such a miraculous creature. He decided that he had to catch the bird somehow. He climbed the tree and skilfully set a trap for the bird. The bird, quite unaware of the danger it was in, stayed on the tree and sang merrily. But it was soon caught in the hunter's trap. The hunter immediately seized it and shoved it into a cage. The hunter took the bird home joyfully. But as he had time to think over his good fortune later, he suddenly realised, "If the king comes to know of this wonder, he will certainly take away the bird from me and he might even punish me for keeping such a rare treasure all to myself. So it would be safer and more honourable if I were to go to the king and present the unique bird to him." The next day, the hunter took the bird to the king and presented it to him in court with great reverence. The king was delighted to receive such an unusual and rare gift. He told his courtiers to keep the bird safe and feed it with the best bird food available. The king's prime minister though, was reluctant to accept the bird. He said " O Rajah, how can you believe the word of a foolish hunter and accept this bird? Has anyone in our kingdom ever seen a bird dropping gold? The hunter must be either crazy or telling lies. I think it is best that you release the bird from the cage." After a little thought, the king felt that his prime minister's words were correct. So he ordered the bird to be released. But as soon as the door of the cage was thrown open, the bird flew out, perched itself on a nearby doorway and defecated. To everyone's surprise, the dropping immediately turned into gold. The king mourned his loss.
  4. Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate title for the story?
    1. The Skilled Hunter
    2. The King's Prime Minister
    3. The King's Defeat
    4. The Bird With The Gold Dropping
    5. The Trials And Tribulations Of The Foolish Bird Sindhuka
    Answer: Option  D.
    Story revolves around this title
  5. Which of the following emotions made the hunter gift the bird to the king?
    1. Respect.
    2. Joy
    3. Pride
    4. Fear
    5. Awe
    Answer: Option  D.
    As per the lines 'The hunter took the bird home joyfully.
    But as he had time to think over his good fortune later, he suddenly realised,
    "If the king comes to know of this wonder, he will certainly take away the bird from me and he might even punish me for keeping such a rare treasure all to myself. So it would be safer and more honourable if I were to go to the king and present the unique bird to him."
    , it is clear that 'fear' compelled him to take the bird to the king.
  6. Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?
    1. Birds like Sindhuka were very common in the area near the mountain.
    2. Sindhuka remained caged for the rest of its life.
    3. Sindhuka was unaware of the trap laid by the hunter.
    4. The king, when told to not accept the bird, did not listen to his prime minister.
    5. All are true
    Answer: Option C.
    As per the lines 'The bird, quite unaware of the danger it was in, stayed on the tree and sang merrily.
    But it was soon caught in the hunter's trap.
    The hunter immediately seized it and shoved it into a cage', it clear that bird was not aware.
    So the answer is option 3.
  7. Why was the king's prime minister reluctant to accept the bird?
    1. He believed that the bird would die if caged
    2. He knew about the hunter's habit of lying
    3. He believed that the bird would bring bad luck to the king
    4. His sources had informed him that the hunter was crazy
    5. None of these
    Answer: Option  E.
    None of the statement is true
  8. How did the hunter find Sindhuka?
    1. He had read stories about the bird and had set traps at various locations in the city.
    2. He followed the bird's droppings.
    3. He was on the lookout for a prey when he chanced upon it.
    4. People from the city had informed him about the bird's whereabouts.
    5. He was attracted by the bird's calls.
    Answer: Option C.
    'One day, a hunter came to the tree in search of prey and he saw Sindhuka's droppings hit the ground. and turn into gold.
    The hunter was struck with wonder' ,
    it is clear from the above mentione lines in the paragraph the answer is option 3.
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