SanDisk Reasoning Question

Directions for question 1-4 : In these questions, a relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by two conclusions. Give answer.
A - If only conclusion I is true
B - If only conclusion II is true
C - If either conclusion I or II is true
D - If neither conclusion I nor II is true
E - If both conclusion I and II are true
  1. Statements: C < O ≤ Z ≥ Y ; N > Z < M
    Conclusion I: N > Y
    Conclusion II: C < M

    Answer: Option E.
    From the given statement we can see that both the options are correct.
  2. Statements: P ≤ C < H = Q ≤ T > M ≤ N
    Conclusion I: P < Q
    Conclusion II: Q > N

    Answer:  Option A.
    From the given statement we can see that only 1st option is correct.
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  1. Statements: P ≤ C < H = Q ≤ T > M ≤ N
    Conclusion I: H > M
    Conclusion II: T > C

    Answer: Option B.
    From the given statement we can see that only 2nd option is correct.
  2. Statements: J > K ≥ L < X ; D ≥ U > K
    Conclusion I: L > D
    Conclusion II: X > J

    Answer: Option A.
    From this statement we can see that both conclusions are wrong. So answer is 4th option.
    DIRECTIONS for questions 5-8: Study the following information to answer the given question.

    Rohan speaks about seven different countries viz. Egypt, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, France and Austria in a seminar held on seven different days of the same week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday but not necessarily in the same order. Thus on one day Rohan speaks about only one country.

    Rohan speaks about Japan on Friday. He speaks about Egypt on one of the days after Japan. He speaks only about two countries between Egypt and China. He speaks about only one country between China and France. He speaks about France on one of the days before he speaks about China. He speaks only about one country between Japan and Malaysia. He speaks about Austria on one of the days before he speaks about China but not on Monday.

    D is the mother of S. S is the sister of T. T is the mother of R. R is the only son of J. J is the father of U. U is married to K.

  3. Rohan speaks about which country on Thursday?
    1. Malaysia
    2. Egypt
    3. Indonesia
    4. Austria
    5. China
    Answer: Option C.
    The following arrangement can be made with the help of given information:
    Day Country
    Monday France
    Tuesday Austria
    Wednesday China
    Thursday Indonesia
    Friday Japan
    Saturday Egypt
    Sunday Malaysia

    Rohan speaks about Indonesia on Thursday.

  4. Which of the following is not true as per the given arrangement?
    1. All the given statements are true
    2. Rohan speaks about France on the day immediately before the day he speaks about Austria.
    3. Rohan speaks about China on Wednesday
    4. Rohan speaks about Egypt on Saturday
    5. Rohan speaks exactly about two countries between Austria and Japan.
    Answer: Option A.
    The following arrangement can be made with the help of given information
    Day Country
    Monday France
    Tuesday Austria
    Wednesday China
    Thursday Indonesia
    Friday Japan
    Saturday Egypt
    Sunday Malaysia
  5. On which day Rohan speak about France?
    1. Saturday
    2. Wednesday
    3. Monday
    4. Sunday
    5. Tuesday
    Answer: Option C.
    The following arrangement can be made with the help of given information
    Day Country
    Monday France
    Tuesday Austria
    Wednesday China
    Thursday Indonesia
    Friday Japan
    Saturday Egypt
    Sunday Malaysia
    Rohan speaks about France on Monday.
  6. On how many countries does Rohan speak about between China and Malaysia?
    1. Four
    2. Three
    3. Two
    4. One
    5. None
    Answer: Option B
    The following arrangement can be made with the help of given information
    Day Country
    Monday France
    Tuesday Austria
    Wednesday China
    Thursday Indonesia
    Friday Japan
    Saturday Egypt
    Sunday Malaysia
    Rohan speaks about three countries between China and Malaysia.
    DIRECTIONS for questions 9-10: Study the following information and answer the given question.
    D is the mother of S. S is the sister of T. T is the mother of R. R is the only son of J. J is the father of U. U is married to K.
  7. How is J related to D?
    1. Brother-in-law
    2. Son-in-law
    3. Grandson
    4. Son
    5. Nephew
    Answer: Option B.
    According to question,
    J is the Son-in –Law of D.
  8. If R is the father of X, then how is K related to X?
    1. Father
    2. Aunt
    3. Uncle
    4. Father-in-law
    5. Mother
    Answer: Option C.
    According to the question, If R is the Father of X, then K is the Uncle of X.
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