Polaris Software Reasoning Question

DIRECTIONS for questions 1-4: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.
The president of a college is appointing nine students- J ,K ,L ,M ,N ,O ,P ,Q and R- to serve on three committees to study three different aspects of student life at the college. There will be a Housing Committee, a Food Service Committee, and a Traffic Committee. Her appointments must respect the following: Each committee must have exactly three members. No person can serve on more than one committee. Q must serve on the Traffic Committee. L and M must serve on the same committee. J and K cannot serve on the same committee. N cannot serve on the same committee as R. O must serve on the same committee as K or Q or both K and Q.
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  1. Which of the following groups could constitute the Housing Committee?
    1. J, K, N
    2. J, M, P
    3. L, Q, N
    4. O, R, K
    Answer: Option D.
    1, 2, 3 options are rejected because LM & JK can never be in the same committee. Option D satisfies the above condition.
  2. If R is on the Traffic Committee and K is on the Food Service Committee, then which of the following must be true?
    1. O is on the Traffic Committee.
    2. L is on the Housing Committee
    3. P is on the Food Service Committee
    4. None of these
    Answer:  Option D.
    Housing (J, K, M) OR (J, P, N)
    Food (K, N, P) OR (K, L, M)
    Traffic (Q, R, O) OR (Q, R, O)
    So answer is none of these.
  3. Any of the following could serve on the same committee as L EXCEPT
    1. J
    2. K
    3. O
    4. P
    Answer: Option C.
    L is there, M will also be there. If D is the third person either K or Q has to come. There cannot be 4 members in a committee. So answer is C.
  4. If K and P serve on the Housing Committee, which of the following must serve on the Food Service Committee?
    1. J
    2. M
    3. N
    4. O
    Answer: Option B.
    If LM are in traffic committee with Q, KPO in Housing committee, Then in food committee, N and R cannot be together. So LM has to be in food committee. Hence B option.
  5. If O serves on the Food Service Committee and L serves on the same committee as Q then which of the following must serve on the Housing Committee?
    1. J
    2. P
    3. R
    1. I only
    2. III only
    3. I and II only
    4. II and III
    Answer: Option C.
    Housing (P, J, N/R)
    Food (O, K, N/R)
    Traffic (Q, L, M)
    Thus, P and J has to be in Housing committee. Therefore, C option.
    DIRECTIONS for questions 6-8: Solve the following question and mark the most appropriate option.
    1. A, B, C, D and E reside in a five storey building.
    2. B & E do not reside on the ground floor.
    3. D resides one storey above A and one storey below C.
    4. E does not reside on the top floor.
  6. On which floor does D reside?
    1. First
    2. Third
    3. Fourth
    4. Fifth
    Answer: Option A.
    Using the conditions given we get
    IVth Floor B
    IIIrd Floor E
    IInd Floor C
    Ist Floor D
    Ground Floor A
  7. How many of them do reside above C?
    1. No Person
    2. 3
    3. 2
    4. 4
    Answer: Option C.
    IVth Floor B
    IIIrd Floor E
    IInd Floor C
    Ist Floor D
    Ground Floor A

    Clearly from the table above there are two persons above C
  8. To find out the answers to the above two questions, which of the statements can be dispensed with?
    1. Only 2
    2. Only 4
    3. Only 2 & 3
    4. None
    Answer: Option B
    IVth Floor B
    IIIrd Floor E
    IInd Floor C
    Ist Floor D
    Ground Floor A

    Even if we don’t have the (iv) statement the answer to the above question still follows. Rest all the conditions are required.
  9. If '+' means ÷, '÷' means 'x', 'x' means '-', '-' means '+', then (75 x 25) ÷ 2 +50 - 10 = ?
    1. 26.67
    2. 12
    3. 77.5
    4. 25
    Answer: Option B.
    Replacing all the symbols as given in the question we get (75 − 25) × 2 ÷ 50 +10 ; Solving we get 12 as answer.
  10. P is brother of Q. R is sister of Q. How P is related to R?
    1. Brother
    2. Father
    3. Uncle
    4. None of these
    Answer: Option A.
    (brother) (sister)
    Clearly P will be brother of R
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