Sample Aptitude Questions of Lion Bridge

  1. The average weight of 8 persons increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What is the weight of the new person?
    1. 76.5 Kg
    2. 78 Kg
    3. 85 Kg
    4. Inadequate Data

    Answer : Option C.
    Increase of Average = 2.5 for 8 persons
    Total Increase = 2.5 × 8 = 20 kg.
    Weight of New Person = 65 kg + 20 kg = 85 kg
  2. The difference between the length and breadth of a rectangle is 23 m. If its perimeter is 206 m, then its area is:
    1. 1520 sqm
    2. 2520 sqm
    3. 2480 sqm
    4. 2720 sqm

    Answer : Option B.
    P = 2 (L + B) L – B = 23
    => 2 L + 2 B = 206
    2 L – 2 B = 46
    => L = 63;
    B = 40 Area = 63 × 40 = 2520 sqm
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  1. On 8th Feb, 2005 it was Tuesday. What was the day of the week on 8th Feb, 2004?
    1. Sunday
    2. Monday
    3. Tuesday
    4. Thursday

    Answer : Option A.
    Between 8th February 2004 & 8th Feb 2005 there are 366 days.
    366 days => 52 weeks + 2 days
    Hence, it was SUNDAY
  2. In one hour, a boat goes 11 km/hour along the stream and 5 km/hour against the stream. The speed of the boat in still water (in km/hour) is:
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 8
    4. 10

    Answer : Option C.
    11/(B+S) = 1 hr
    5/(B-S) = 1 hr
    => B + S = 11 & B - S = 5
    Therefore, on solving we get
    = > Boat speed = 8km/hr
    Stream Speed = 3km/hr
  3. Ram purchased 20 dozens of toys at the rate of Rs.375 per dozen. He sold each one of them at the rate of Rs.33. What was his percentage profit?
    1. 3.6
    2. 3.8
    3. 4.1
    4. 5.6

    Answer : Option D.
    CP = 375 × 20 = 7500/-
    SP = 33 × 12 × 20 = 7920/-
    Therefore, % Profit = (7920 - 7500)/7500 × 100 = 5.6%
  4. When the profit on a commodity triples then its selling price is doubled. Find the profit percent.
    1. 35
    2. 50
    3. 85
    4. 100

    Answer : Option D.
    Going by the options (d) satisfies
    CP = 100/- Price = 100% SP = 200/-
    CP = 100/- Price = 300% SP = 400/-
  5. In a 100 m race, A beats B by 10 m and C by 13 m. In a race of 180 m, B will beat C by:
    1. 4m
    2. 6m
    3. 8m
    4. 9m

    Answer : Option B.
    A -> runs 100m
    B -> runs 90m
    C -> runs 87m
    => B runs 180m
    C runs 174 m => 6m
  6. A dishonest milk seller professes to sell the milk at cost price but gain 20%. The proportion of milk and water is:
    1. 5:3
    2. 4:1
    3. 6:5
    4. 5:1

    Answer : Option B.
    The amount of water is the Gain ( 20% )
    => Proportion is 4: 1
  7. It takes 5 hours for a boat to go down-stream and 10 hours to return to the same place against the stream. If the stream is flowing at the rate of 40 km/hour, calculate the speed of the boat.
    1. 150 km/hour
    2. 170 km/hour
    3. 120 km/hour
    4. 100 km/hour

    Answer : Option C.
    D/(B - 40) = 5 hr
    D/(B + 40) = 10 hr
    => B - 40 = 5/D & B - 40 = 10/D
    => 2B - 80 = B + 40
    Therefore, speed of boat = 120 km/hr
  8. Cost price of 30 mangoes is equal to the selling price of 24 mangoes. Calculate the percentage of profit.
    1. 20
    2. 25
    3. 30
    4. 32

    Answer : Option B.
    CP of 1 Mango = 1/-
    CP of 30 Mango = 30/-
    SP of 24 Mangoes = 30/-
    SP of 1 Mango = 1.25/-
    => Profit = 25%
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