Sample Aptitude Questions of Microsoft

  1. On a particular day, sweets were to be equally distributed among 960 students of a school. However, on that particular day 360 students remained absent, Hence each student present on that day got three sweets extra. Had all 960 students remained present that day, how many sweets would each, student have got?
    1. 3
    2. 5
    3. 7
    4. 8

    Answer : Option B.
    Let number of sweets per student = X
    According to the given conditions, we have
    960X = 600(X+3)
    X = 5
    So, the correct answer is option B.
  2. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series ?
    9 10 24 81 340?
    1. 1376
    2. 1780
    3. 1570
    4. 1725
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option D.
    Here, the pattern follows
    9 × 1 + 1 =10
    10 × 2 + 4 =24
    24 × 3 +9 = 81
    81 × 4 + 16 = 340
    Similarly, 340 × 5 +25 = 1725
    So, the correct answer is option D.
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  1. What would be the compound interest accrued on an amount of Rs9,000/- at the rate of 11 p.c.p.a. in two years ?
    1. Rs.2088.90
    2. Rs.2140.90
    3. Rs.2068.50
    4. Rs. 2085
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option A.
    CI = A-P
    CI = 9000 x(1+11/100)2- 9000=2088.90
    So, the correct answer is option A.
  2. What is the least number to be added to 2530 to make it a perfect square ?
    1. 50
    2. 65
    3. 75
    4. 80
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option E.
    Check for squares of the numbers which gives value around 2530, So
    Square of 50 = 2500
    Square of 51 = 2601
    2601 - 2530 = 71 should be added.
    So, the correct answer is option E(none of these).
  3. The difference between 20% of a number and 45% of the same number is 125. What is 40% of that number ?
    1. 186
    2. 200
    3. 196
    4. 465
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option B.
    Let no. be x, then
    45% of x – 20% of x =125
    So, x = 500
    Therefore, 40% of 500 = 200
    The correct answer is option B.
  4. A train running at the speed of 108 kmph, crosses a 365 meter long platform in 21 secs. What is the length of the train?
    1. 260 meters
    2. 275 meters
    3. 265 meters
    4. 285 meters
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option C.
    Let the length of train = X meters
    Speed of train = 108kmph = 108 × 5/18 = 30m/s
    Distance = Speed × time
    365 + X = 30 × 21
    X = 265
    So, the correct answer is option C.
  5. In order to pass in an examination, a student is required to get 280 marks out of the aggregate marks. Hema got 264 marks and was declared fail by 2 percent. What is the minimum passing percentage of the examination ?
    1. 33%
    2. 35%
    3. 40%
    4. 44%
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option B.
    Let maximum marks = X
    Then, 2% of X = 280 - 264 = 16
    => X = 800
    Then minimum passing %age = (280 /800) × 100 = 35
    Therefore, the correct answer is option B.
  6. he cost of 8 fans and 14 Ovens is Rs 36,520/-.What is the cost of 12 fans and 21 Ovens?
    1. Rs. 56,800/-
    2. Rs. 54,780/-
    3. Rs. 57,950/-
    4. Can't be determined
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option B.
    Let the cost of one fan be Rs.F and the Cost of Oven be Rs.O.
    Then, According to the question,
    8F+14O = 36520
    Dividing by 2, we get, 4F + 7O = 18260
    Multiply by 3, we will get, 12F + 21O = 54780.
    So, the correct answer is option B
  7. Radius of a circular garden is 7 meter more than length of a rectangle whose perimeter is 364 meter and breadth is 84 meter. What will be cost of fencing the garden (only at the circumference), if the cost of fencing is Rs 8 per meter?
    1. Rs. 5,456/-
    2. Rs. 6,144/-
    3. Rs. 5,296/-
    4. Rs. 5,280/-
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option D.
    If the Length of rectangle = L meters
    Then, according to the question,
    2(L +84) = 364
    => L = 98
    Radius of circle = 98 + 7 = 105 meters
    Circumference of the circle = 2πr = 660
    Cost of fencing = 660 × 8 = Rs 5280
    Hence, the correct answer is option D. .
  8. If 43x + 43y = 4816, what is the average of x and y ?
    1. 56
    2. 112
    3. 62
    4. 124
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option D.
    Divide the given equation by 43, we get, x + y = 112
    Average = (x + y)/2 = 112/2 = 56
    Hence, the correct answer is option A.
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