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Punam Aswani has an MBA degree from Pune University and has spent more than 17 years in the service industry. She has mentored and trained numerous professionals and helped many students improve their communication skills and vocabulary. Her teaching and language skills have paved the way for many young professionals to ace campus placement rounds and get the job they always wanted.
Mr Rajeev Markanday has a B.ED, MSC from KU and has been working in the education industry for more than 15 yrs. His great sense of humour and ability to make learning fun and enjoyable is why is he is the best teacher for getting learners ready for the whole campus placement process. His Verbal Ability courses have helped many young people grow into successful professionals.
One cannot learn new words without reading and actively searching for them either online, through apps or even in the good ol’ dictionary. But sometimes starting with relevant words can be difficult. Well, we have done all the hard work for you and compiled an extensive list of words that you need to know in order to become an excellent professional communicator.
These word lists will help you build a comprehensive vocabulary that will make your communication skills top notch so that you can ace any test or interview during the campus recruitment process. What are you waiting for? Explore our wordlists and enhance your vocabulary today!