Our expert academic team takes you on a journey of step-by-step learning using visually interactive lectures
Gain momentum with complementary reading from our state of the art e-library
Refine the skills you acquire through meticulously-structured assignments and practice questions
Benchmark your progress by taking tests that simulate actual exam environment
In order to understand the fundamentals, you must go back to the basics and work your way up in a systematic and organised manner. Our engineering capsule is designed to do just that. It will help you better grasp essential concepts, theories and questions that could be asked of you during campus placements.
Our Computer science/IT, Electrical and Mechanical Engg modules within this course will cover a number of vital topics like C Language, C++ Language, Data Structure, Database Management System, Java, Operating System, Computer Networks, Python, Basics of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Machines, Electrical Power System Structure, Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics. That’s everything that you need to know at your fingertips if you are to do well in any campus placement round.
This engineering capsule will take you beyond rudimentary knowledge and let you explore multiple resources and unlimited study material online, which you will need if you want to outshine your competition in the written test, group discussions and personal interview. Knowing where you stand in engineering regarding strengths and weaknesses gives you a better view of where you stand in the competition.
Don’t wait any longer strengthen your technical knowledge, language skills with core subjects and secure your future tomorrow by becoming a strong candidate today!