Mcafee Reasoning Question

DIRECTIONS for the question 1 to 2: The question below has three or four statements.
Assuming these statements to be correct, mark that option as your answer, which contains a conclusion that CANNOT be derived from those statements. You have to consider these statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts.
  1. Statements: No happening is an event in a function.
    All occasions are functions. All incidents are occasions.
    1. All occasions being happening is a possibility
    2. At least some incidents are events is a possibility
    3. All happenings being functions is a possibility
    4. No event is an occasion
    5. All incidents are functions.
    Answer: Option D.

    As clear from the diagram, events and occasions may or may not intersect.
    Hence conclusion D does not follow.
  1. Statements: All languages are communications. All promises are communications.
    All communications dialects. No dialect is a talent.
    1. No promise is a talent.
    2. All talents are languages.
    3. All promises being languages is a possibility
    4. All promises are dialects
    5. All languages are dialects
    Answer:  Option B.

    L: languages
    C: Communications
    D: Dialects
    T: Talent
    P: Promises
    As clear from the diagram, the circle of T cannot intersect the circle of D, so it cannot intersect with the circle of L also, as all L are inside D. Hence conclusion 2 does not follow.
    DIRECTIONS for the question 3 to 4:Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.
    S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a straight line equidistant from each other (but not necessarily in the same order). Some of them are facing south while some are facing north. (Note: Facing the same direction means, if one is facing north then the other also faces north and vice versa. Facing the opposite directions means, if one is facing North then the other faces south and vice versa.) S faces north. Only two people sit to the right of S. T sits third to the left of S. Only one person sits between T and X. X sits to the immediate right of W. Only one person sits between W and Z. Both the immediate neighbors of T face the same direction. U sits fourth to the left to X. Z is to the immediate left of T. T faces the opposite direction as S. Y does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line, V faces the same direction as W. Both Y and U face the opposite direction of Z.
  2. How many persons in the given arrangement are facing North?
    Conclusions: I. N>R II. R = N
    1. More than four
    2. Four
    3. One
    4. Three
    5. Two
    Answer: Option D.
    The correct sitting arrangement according to the conditions given is as shown below:

    As clear from above, Ans. D option.
  3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way, and so form a group. Which of the following does not belong in the group?
    1. W,X
    2. Z,Y
    3. T,S
    4. T,Y
    5. V,U
    Answer: Option A.
    The correct sitting arrangement according to the conditions given is as shown below:

    1st option because w, x face same directions whereas all other pairs face opposite directions.
    DIRECTIONS for the question 5 to 6: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.
    8 players A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H from two different teams X and Y (4 players each) are seated around a square table - two on each side. Players from team X are facing towards the centre and players from team Y are facing away from the centre. Only one player of team X has both the neighbours from team Y while none of the players from team Y has both the neighbours from team X. Both the neighbours of A are from his own team. C and F belong to team Y and only E is sitting between them. G is facing away from the centre and is third to the left of H. B has a player from his own team on his immediate left.
  4. Which of these does not belong to team X?
    1. A
    2. E
    3. H
    4. B
    5. None of these
    Answer: Option D.

    D option, B does not belong to team X.
  5. Who is sitting to the immediate left of B?
    1. C
    2. E
    3. F
    4. H
    5. Can't say
    Answer: Option E.

    E option, Cannot be determined as one among C or F will sit to the immediate left of B.
    DIRECTIONS for the question 7: The question below is followed by two statements marked I and II. Mark as your answer.
  6. How many people are standing between R & T in a straight line of 18 people (Note: All are standing in a straight line facing north)?
    I. S stands at extreme left end of the line. T stands eighth from right end. Only three people stand between U and S. Only two people stand between U and R.
    II. K stands at the extreme right end of the line. Only two people stand between J and T. L stands fifth to the left of T. Only one person stands between L and R. R stands to the right of L.
    1. The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
    2. The data in even both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
    3. The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
    4. The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
    5. The data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
    Answer: Option D.
    DIRECTIONS for the question 8 & 9 : Read the information given below and answer the question accordingly
    P is 9 m to the south of K. K is 5 m to the east of H. H is 4 m to the north of B. L is 3 m west of B. D is 7 m south of L. G is 8 m east of D.
  7. If point Z is 8 m to the west of Point P, then what is the distance between L and Z?
    1. 8 m
    2. 9 m
    3. 5 m
    4. 2 m
    5. 6 m
    Answer: Option C

    KP = HB+LZ= 9m.
    LZ = 9-HB = 9 – 4 = 5m. Hence C.
  8. How far and in which direction is point K from point G?
    1. 11m to the south
    2. 7m to the north
    3. 11m to the north
    4. 7m to the south
    5. 16m to the north
    Answer: Option C.

    As clear from the diagram, point K is 11 m north of point G. Hence C option.
  9. Statements: P > J >= V = D > L <= C Conclusions: I. P > C II. D >= C III. L < P IV. J > L
    1. None is true
    2. Only I and II are true
    3. Only IV is true
    4. Only III and IV are true
    5. Only II is true
    Answer: Option D.
    By arranging the given statements we get ,
    P >J ≥ (V=D) > L
    & C ≥ L
    No relation can be drawn between P & C and also between D & C. Only conclusion 3 and 4 are true.
    Hence D.
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