Cisco Sample Verbal Questionss

DIRECTIONS for question 1-2: Each question below, some portion of which is underlined, has four alternatives marked 1, 2, 3 and 4.
If the underlined part is incorrect in grammar, usage or sentence construction as required in standard written English, choose the alternative that better replaces it.
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  1. Seeing the headmaster entering the class-room, the football was quickly hidden by the students.
    1. The headmaster entering the class-room being seen by the students, they quickly hid the football.
    2. When the students saw the headmaster, they quickly hid the football.
    3. Having seen the headmaster entering the class-room, the football was quickly hidden by the students.
    4. After the headmaster was being seen entering the class-room, the students quickly hid the football.
    Option: C
    Option A is inappropriate as the tense is not balanced (entering and quickly hid are incoherent) Also, in option B, the structure is incorrect and changes the intended meaning. In option D, the use of being with seen makes the given option inappropriate. So, option C is correct.
  2. No sooner was the meeting started when the members announced that they will leave the meeting
    1. had the meeting started when the members had announced that they would
    2. than the meeting had started that the members announced that they will
    3. had the meeting started than the members announced that they would
    4. No change
    Option: C
    No sooner is always followed by did/had ….. than
DIRECTIONS for question 3-7: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given.
A blanket ban on defection will weaken rather than strengthen democracy, in whose name it is being sought to be imposed. Granted political defection is increasingly less an act of ideological defiance than one of pure opportunism. Granted also that it is illogical to allow one third of the party to split but not a lesser number. Yet, for all its flaws, the current law recognizes and respects one fundamental principle: The right to dissent. Democracy is not about showing the door to one who dares to disagree. Democracy is about granting her the right to dissent from within the fold. In a household context, it would be akin to a father throwing out his rebellious daughter. How would a democratic father deal with this situation? He would allow the daughter to register her protest knowing fully well that not to do so would stifle the youngster’s intellectual growth and turn her into a malcontent.
The need to foster a democratic spirit is all the more in a political party which derives its legitimacy from participation in democratic elections. Indeed, like charity, democracy most begin at home.A political party that is intolerant to internal dissent can hardly be expected to be liberal and democratic in its external conduct. To tell a legislator that he owes to his party, which has facilitated his election, never to disagree with it, is the equivalent of asking that he remain forever in bondage. To do so is to journey back to the feudal age, when a supplicant. who rebelled against the master would be called a 'namak haram'. Take the case of a party that asks for votes on one ideological platform but switches course once it forms a government. What is the sanctity of the party whip issued in such a situation? Should the conscientious MP vote as ordered or should she defy the whip? It has to be the latter and there can be no two views on this. Nor is it valid to argue that differences can be aired in private but must not translate into a vote. For voting is the ultimate expression of a person’s conscience.
  1. According to the passage, a political party which does not tolerate any internal dissent.
    1. is doomed to disintegrate the long run.
    2. maintains strict discipline and survives in the long run.
    3. is a boon to the democratic traditions and principles.
    4. is unlikely to be liberal and democratic in its external conduct.
    Option: D
    The answer is given clearly in the second paragraph "A political party that is intolerant to internal dissent……. external conduct."
  2. Which of the following is expressed as a characteristic of the feudal age in the passage?
    1. extending the family values to the political arena.
    2. changing the ideological platform once in government.
    3. any disobedience of the people in power is to be treated as treachery
    4. telling the legislator that he got elected because of the party.
    Option: C
    We can get the answer after reading the lines "To tell a legislator that he owes his party which has ……… 'namak haram'."
  3. In which of the following matters does the author appreciate the existing law with regard to defection?
    1. individual member’s freedom to express opinion different from the party line.
    2. a total prohibition on joining another party for personal party.
    3. entering election fray without affiliation to any political party.
    4. a political party to be liberal and democratic both in its internal and external conduct.
    Option: A
    After reading the lines "Take the case……….. a person's conscience."
  1. According to the passage, political defection is increasingly taking place:
    1. more on ideological grounds
    2. to strength the democratic process
    3. as a result of basic conceptual differences
    4. as a matter of pure opportunism
    Option: D
    It is clearly given in the second line of the first para .
  2. The author has equated the party’s stand to tell legislator never to disagree with it with:
    1. charity
    2. feudal age
    3. democracy
    4. Turpitude
    Option: D
    We get the answer after reading the lines "To tell a legislator……….'namak haram'." The word 'turpitude' means behaviour that is dishonest or immoral .
DIRECTIONS for question 8-9: Select the correct meanings of the given words.
  1. Lexicon
    1. number
    2. legal document
    3. dictionary
    4. captain's dog
    Option: C
    The meaning of 'lexicon' is dictionary.
  2. Hex
    1. crude person
    2. herb
    3. parrot
    4. evil spell
    Option: D
    The meaning of ‘hex’ is an evil spell or a curse.
DIRECTIONS for question 10: Choose the correct spelling out of four choices
    1. Misogynists
    2. Mysogynists
    3. Mysoginist
    4. Mysagynists
    Option: A
    The correct spelling is ‘Misogynists’ means one who hates women.
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