Sample Aptitude Questions of CGI

  1. The retail price of a water geyser is Rs. 1,265. If the manufacturer gains 10 %, the wholesale dealer gains 15 % and the retailer gains 25 %, then the cost of the product is:
    1. 800
    2. 900
    3. 700
    4. 600
    Answer: A
    C.P = 1265*100*100*100/110/115/125
    C.P = 800
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  1. What percent of selling price would be 34 % of cost price if gross profit is 26 % of the selling price?
    1. 17.16
    2. 74
    3. 25.16
    4. 88.40
    Answer: C
    X% of SP = 34% of CP
    Also, P = 26% of SP
    SP - CP = 0.26(SP)
    CP = 0.74(SP)
    Now, (34/100)×74
    X = 25.16
  2. The tax on a commodity is diminished by 10 % and its consumption increased by 10 %. The effect on the revenue derived from it changes by K %. Find the value of K.
    1. 1.
    2. -2
    3. -1
    4. 2
    Answer: C
    Directly using the formula, when a value is increased by R% and then decreased by R%, then net there is ( R∧2)/100 decrease. Putting R = 10, we get 1% decrease.
  3. Ratio of Ashok's age to Pradeep's age is 4 : 3. Ashok will be 26 years old after 6 years. How old is Pradeep now?
    1. 18
    2. 21
    3. 15
    4. 24
    Answer: C
    Given A/p= 4/3 Also A = 26 after 6 years, so his present age = 20years, Substituting we get P = 15 years.
  4. The incomes of Chanda and Kim are in the ratio 9 : 4 and their expenditures are in the ratio 7 : 3. If each saves Rs. 2,000, then Chanda's expenditure is
    1. 60000
    2. 80000
    3. 70000
    4. None of these
    Answer: C
    Let the incomes of Chanda and Kim be 9x and expenditures be 7y and 3y respectively. Since = Income – Expenditure, we get 9x – 7y = 2000 and 4x – 3y = 2000. Solving, we get, x = 8000 and y = 10000. So Chanda’s expenditure = 7y = 7 × 10000 = Rs. 70,000.
  1. A student purchased a computer system and a colour printer. If he sold the computer system at 10 % loss and the colour printer at 20 % gain, he would not lose anything. But if he sells the computer system at 5 % gain and the colour printer at 15 % loss, he would lose Rs. 800 in the bargain. How much did he pay for the colour printer?
    1. 8000
    2. 16000
    3. 9000
    4. 533 4
    Answer: B
    Let C and P be the cost price of Computer and Printer respectively.
    So CP = C + P, Case I,
    SP = 0.9C + 1.2P.
    Since he did not lose anything C + P = 0.9C + 1.2P  C = 2P.
    Case II, SP = 1.05C + 0.85P
    Since there was the loss of Rs. 800
    Rs.800 = C + P – 1.05C – 0.85P
     80000 = 15P – 5C
    Using equation from Case I, we get P = Rs.16000.
  2. X and Y entered into partnership with Rs. 700 and Rs. 600 respectively. After 3 months X withdrew 2/7 of his stock but after 3 months, he puts back 3/5 of what he had withdrawn. The profit at the end of the year is Rs. 726. How much of this should X receive?
    1. 336
    2. 366
    3. 633
    4. 663
    Answer: B
    X’s profit : Y’s profit
    = 700 × 3 + 500 × 3 + 620 × 6 : 600 × 12
    = 2,100 + 1,500 + 3,720 : 7,200
    = 7,320 : 7,200
    = 61 : 60
    X’s share in the profit = 61/(60+61) × 726 = 366
  3. A man sitting in a train travelling at the rate of 50 km/hr observes that it takes 9 sec for a goods train travelling in the opposite direction to pass him. If the goods train is 187.5 m long, find its speed.
    1. 25
    2. 45
    3. 35
    4. 36
    Answer: A
    Let required speed be x.
    So,187.5/{ (x+50)*5/18} =9
  4. A runs 5/3 times as fast as B. If A gives B a start of 80m, how far must the winning post be, so that A and B might reach it at the same time?
    1. 200
    2. 300
    3. 270
    4. 160
    Answer: A
    Ratio of speeds of A : B = 5 : 3, So If A runs 5, B runs 3. So difference in distance = 2. So if difference is 2, winning post is 5m. Hence if difference is 2.5*80, winning post is Hence 1st option.
  5. A team of workers was employed by a contractor who undertook to finish 360 pieces of an article in a certain number of days. Making four more pieces per day than was planned, they could complete the job a day ahead of schedule. How many days did they take to complete the job?
    1. 8
    2. 9
    3. 10
    4. 12
    Answer: B
    Days taken in the general scenario = 360/N;
    Days taken when 4 articles are prepared extra per day = 360/N + 4;
    The difference in the day is one, therefore;
    360/n - 360/n+4 =1
    N2 + 4N – 1440 = 0;
    N = 36, i.e. number of item prepared in general scenario is 36, and where 4 articles prepared extra is 40. Therefore no of days taken to complete the job = 360/40 = 9.
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