Test Pattern & Selection Procedure of Syntel

Syntel is a global IT service provider. It also provides Knowledge Process Outsourcing solutions. The company was founded in 1980 and headquartered in Troy, Michigan. The company mainly functions in financial services, healthcare, insurance, retail & automotive verticals. The Syntel Test-Pattern and Selection-Procedure is as follows:
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Selection Process:
The company conducts recruitment process every year to select new candidates. The selection process of the company consists of 4 rounds. These rounds are as follows:
  • Written Exam
  • Group Discussion
  • Technical Interview
  • HR Interview
Academic Criteria:
  • 55% throughout the academic career(Class X, XII, Graduation and post graduation).
  • Pending backlogs are not allowed.
  • Maximum gap of 1 year is allowed.
Pattern of Written Exam:
Section No. of questions Time Limit
Quantitative Ability 30 20 mins
Verbal 30 20 mins
Logical Reasoning 30 20 mins
Total 90 60 mins
The total time allotted to the written exam is 60 minutes. There is no negative marking in the paper.
  • English Language section consists of short reading comprehension passages. They are easy to solve and answers can be easily found in the passages. This section also consists of basic grammar usage questions like fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, paragraph completion, sentence completion, vocabulary, etc.
  • Logical Reasoning section consists of data interpretation and logical reasoning questions. The section involves easy solving puzzles, graphs, charts, tables, line arrangements, statement-assumption, etc.
  • Quantitative Ability section consists of questions from the topics like algebra, time & work, time, speed & distance, arithmetic, percentages, profit & loss, geometry, etc. This section is of moderate level.
Overall the level of the paper is easy to moderate. Only those candidates who clear the written exam will qualify for the next round.
*The Company reserves the right to make changes in the written exam.
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