Mphasis Reasoning Question

DIRECTIONS for questions 1-5:Study the following information to answer these questions.
A blacksmith has five iron articles A, B, C, D and E each having a different weight. A weighs twice as much as B.
B weighs four and a half times as much as C
C weighs half as much as D.
D weighs half as much as E.
E weighs less than A but more than C.
  1. Which of the following is the lightest in weight?
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    Answer: Option C

    Just by combining all the conditions given in the question, you get the following relationship. C < D < E < A. After that as A is twice that of B, this means A is the highest. Now B is given to be 4.5 times of C and E happens to be 4 times C (double of double). Thus B must be less than A but more than E. Thus there sequence becomes C < D < E < B< A. Now all the questions can be easily answered.
deloitte article
  1. E is lighter in weight than which of the other two articles?
    1. A,B
    2. D,C
    3. A,C
    4. D,B
    Answer: Option  A

    Just by combining all the conditions given in the question, you get the following relationship. C < D < E < A. After that as A is twice that of B, this means A is the highest. Now B is given to be 4.5 times of C and E happens to be 4 times C (double of double). Thus B must be less than A but more than E. Thus there sequence becomes C < D < E < B< A. Now all the questions can be easily answered.
  2. E is heavier than which of the following two articles ?
    1. D,B
    2. D,C
    3. A,C
    4. A,B
    Answer: Option B
    Just by combining all the conditions given in the question, you get the following relationship. C < D < E < A. After that as A is twice that of B, this means A is the highest. Now B is given to be 4.5 times of C and E happens to be 4 times C (double of double). Thus B must be less than A but more than E. Thus there sequence becomes C < D < E < B< A. Now all the questions can be easily answered.
  3. Which of the following articles is the heaviest in weight?
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    Answer: Option A
    Just by combining all the conditions given in the question, you get the following relationship. C < D < E < A. After that as A is twice that of B, this means A is the highest. Now B is given to be 4.5 times of C and E happens to be 4 times C (double of double). Thus B must be less than A but more than E. Thus there sequence becomes C < D < E < B< A. Now all the questions can be easily answered.
  4. Which of the following represents the descending order of weights of the articles?
    1. A, B, E, D, C
    2. B, D, E, A, C
    3. A, B, C, D, E
    4. C, D, E, B, A
    Answer: Option E
    Just by combining all the conditions given in the question, you get the following relationship. C < D < E < A. After that as A is twice that of B, this means A is the highest. Now B is given to be 4.5 times of C and E happens to be 4 times C (double of double). Thus B must be less than A but more than E. Thus there sequence becomes C < D < E < B< A. Now all the questions can be easily answered.
    DIRECTIONS for questions 6-7:From the set of numbers given in the four alternatives, which is the most similar to the set given in the question.
  5. Given set: (6, 15, 28)
    1. (50, 59, 71)
    2. (46, 56, 66)
    3. (60, 69, 72)
    4. (60, 69, 82)
    Answer: Option D
    The relation given in the question is +9, and then +13, which is given in the 4th option, which will be your answer.
  6. Given set: (81, 77, 69)
    1. (56, 52, 44)
    2. (65, 61, 54)
    3. (92, 88, 79)
    4. (75, 71, 60)
    Answer: Option A
    The relation given in the question is − 4, and then − 8, which is given in the 1st option, which will be your answer.
    DIRECTIONS for questions 8-9: Answer the following questions.
  7. Two trains bound for New Delhi from Kanyakumari leave Kanyakumari station within an interval of 30 minutes. For the first train there are 6 stops while for the second train there are only 5 stops. At each stop, the trains will stop for 15 minutes. Which of the following statements shoold be necessarily true?
    1. During the entire journey to New Delhi, the second train will always be behind first train.
    2. During the entire journey to New Delhi, the second train will always be behind first train if first train stops at all stations in which the second train stops.
    3. During the entire journey to New Delhi, the second train will be ahead, of the first train at some points, if second train does not stop at three stations in which the first train stops
    4. None of the above
    Answer: Option D
  8. In an examination there are 90 questions. Each question carries 1 mark for tile right answer, -0.5 for the wrong answer and -0.25 marks for the unanswered question. Ramesh had answered all questions and got the number of wrong questions as half of the number of right questions. James had answered only 80 questions but got marks equal to that of Ramesh. Then
    1. Both James and Ramesh had same number of correct answers
    2. James had more correct answers than Ramesh
    3. Ramesh had more correct answers than James
    4. cannot be determined
    Answer: Option D
    Well this is a bit tricky. Ramesh scored (R − 60) (W − 30) = 45 Marks Now James has 10 Rs, so 2.5 marks will be deducted. Try out various combination with 80 Rs, e.g. (R − 60) (W − 20) = 60 − 10 − 2.5 (etc.) = 47.5 James can never get a score equal to Ramesh. Option D
    DIRECTIONS for questions 10:In each of the following question in which a no. series is given.After the series, a no. is given below it, followed by a, b, c, d and e. You have to complete the series starting with the no. given and following the same property as in the given no. series. Then answer the questions below it.
  9. 2     -1   28   -9 86 -25
    124   a    b    c   d   e
    What should come in place of b?
    1. 122
    2. 328
    3. 9
    4. 228
    5. None of these
    Answer: Option D
    The series is 12 + 1, 3 − 22, 52 + 3, 4 − 42, 92 + 5, .., Here, 2 = 12 + 1. In the same way. 122 = 112 + 1. Therefore a = 13 - 22 = 9, b = 152 + 3 = 228, c = 17 - 42 = 17 − 16, and so on.
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