Sample Aptitude Questions of Mcafee

  1. A 180-metre-long train crosses a platform of equal length in 18 seconds. What is the speed of the train?
    1. 22m/sec
    2. 10m/sec
    3. 15m/sec
    4. 18m/sec
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option E.
    At the beginning 6 cannibals will eat one, so time required will be 180/6 = 30 min.
    When the train crosses the platform , it covers its own lenth as well as lenth of platform, Therefore total length becomes = 180+180 = 360m.
    Time taken is 18 seconds.
    Therefore, required speed is
    360/18= 20m/sec
    Therefore, the correct answer is option E.
  2. What should come in place of question mark (?) : 13 30 66 140 ? 592
    1. 210
    2. 290
    3. 428
    4. 430
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option B.
    Hence, the question mark should be replaced by 290
  1. 8 men alone can complete a piece of work in 12 days. 4 women alone can complete the same piece of work in 48 days and 10 children alone can complete the piece of work in 24 days. In how many days can 10 men, 4 women and 10 children together complete the piece of work (in days)?
    1. 5
    2. 15
    3. 28
    4. 6
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option D.
    From the given information we get:
    Work done by (8×12) men = (4×48) women = (10×24) children i.e. work done by 1 man = 2 women = 2.5 children.
    Now, the required time to finish to work:
    M1D1H1/W1 = M2D2H2/W2
    = 6 days
  2. Subhash starts a business by investing Rs 25000. 6 months later Aditya joins him by investing Rs 15,000. After another 6 months Aditya invests an additional amount of Rs 15,000. At the end of 3 years they earn a profit of Rs 2,47,000. What is Aditya's share in the profit?
    1. Rs 1,30,000
    2. Rs 1,23,000
    3. Rs 1,05,000
    4. Rs 1,11,500
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option E.
    Since it is a compound partnership , Therefore profit is divided in the ratio of I1T1 : I2T2
    Where I is investment and T is time.

    Subhash = 25000×36 = 900000/-
    Aditya = (15000×6)+(30000×24) = 810000/-
    Thus, ration of the profits of Subash and Aditya will be 900000:810000 i.e.. 10:9
    Aditya's share = 9/(10+9) X 247000 = Rs. 117000

  3. 81.38× 81.63= ?
    1. 680
    2. 218
    3. 726
    4. 512
    5. 134

    Answer : Option D.
    81.38× 81.63= 81.38+1.63
    = 83 = 512
  4. Ram’s age was square of a number last year and it will be cube of a number next year. How long must he wait before his age is again the cube of a number?
    1. 39 years
    2. 38 years
    3. 10 years
    4. 64 years
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option B.
    By a little guess work we can easily determine that the present age is 26 as next year it will be 27 which is the cube of 3. One year ago it was 25 ,
    which is square of 5. Next cube will be at 64 so he has to wait for 38 years. Hence option B is the answer.
  5. ‘A’ and ‘B’ can do a piece of work in 24 days and 32 days respectively. They started working together, After how many days should B leave so that the work is finished in 18 days.
    1. 8 days
    2. 4 days
    3. 6 days
    4. 2 days
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option A.
    Let total work is 96 units.
    So, A does 4 units per day.
    B does 3 units per day.
    As per the question, A remains for the whole time i.e. 18 days ,so out of 96 units he does 18x4=72 units.
    So remaining 96 - 72 = 24 are done by B.
    So B should leave after 24/3 = 8 days.
  6. The difference between 38% of a number and 24% of the same number is 135.10. What is 40% of that number?
    1. 394
    2. 370
    3. 378
    4. 386
    5. 390

    Answer : Option D.
    Let the number be x,
    Therefore, 0.38x – 0.24x = 135.10
    We get x = 965
    Thus, 0.40 × 965 = 386
  7. The cost of 13 kg of sugar is Rs. 195/-. The cost of 17 kg. of rice is Rs. 544/- and the cost of 21 kg. of wheat is Rs. 336/-. What is the total cost of 21 kg of sugar, 26 kg of rice and 19 kg of wheat?
    1. Rs. 1,451/-
    2. Rs. 1,306/-
    3. Rs. 1,500/-
    4. Rs. 1,636/-
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option A.
    Let the number be x,
    13 kg sugar costs 195. So 1 kg costs 15.
    17 kg rice costs 544, so 1 kg costs 32.
    21 kg wheat costs 336, so 1 kg costs 16.
    Hence 21 kg sugar + 26 kg rice + 19 kg wheat = (21 × 15) + (26 × 32) + (19 × 16) = 315 + 832 + 304 = Rs. 1451/-.
  8. In an examination it is required to get 296 of the total maximum aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 259 marks and is declared failed. The difference of marks obtained by the student and that required to pass is 5%. What are the maximum aggregate marks a student can get?
    1. 680
    2. 780
    3. 740
    4. 749
    5. None of these

    Answer : Option C.
    Let the aggregate marks be x.
    Therefore, 296 - 259 = 37 will be 5% of the x.
    Thus (5/100) of x = 37 => x = 740.
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