Mazars-LLP Reasoning Question

DIRECTIONS for the questions 1 - 5: Answer the questions based on the following paragraph.
Five golfers, C, D, E, F and G, play a series of matches in which the following are always true of the results. Either C is last and G is first or C is first and G is last. D finishes ahead of E. Every golfer plays in and finishes every match. There are no ties in any match; that is, no 2 players ever finish in the same position in a match.
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  1. If exactly 1 golfer finishes between C and D, which of the following must be true?
    1. C finishes first
    2. G finishes first
    3. F finishes third
    4. E finishes fourth
    Answer: Option D.
    G/C D E G/C
    ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ Wherever C lies, E finish after D and hence, will be in the fourth position
    C/G _____ _____ _____ _____ C/G
    1 2 3 4 5
    D finish before E.
  2. Which of the following CANNOT be true?
    1. E finishes second
    2. F finishes second
    3. E finishes ahead of F
    4. F finishes ahead of D
    Answer:  Option A.
    E will never come before D, hence, it can never come in the second position.
    C/G _____ _____ _____ _____ C/G
    1 2 3 4 5
    D finish before E.
  3. If D finishes third, which of the following must be true?
    1. G finishes first
    2. E finishes ahead of F
    3. F finishes ahead of E
    4. F finishes behind D
    Answer: Option C.
    Clear from the arrangement
    C/G _____ _____ _____ _____ C/G
    1 2 3 4 5
    D finish before E.
  4. If C finishes first, in how many different orders is it possible for the other golfers to finish?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    Answer: Option C.
    C D E F G
    C D F E G
    C F D E G
    C/G _____ _____ _____ _____ C/G
    1 2 3 4 5
    D finish before E.
  5. Which of the following additional conditions make it certain that F finishes second ?
    1. C finishes ahead of D
    2. D finishes ahead of F
    3. F finishes ahead of D
    4. D finishes behind G
    Answer: Option C.
    Clear from the arrangement
    C/G _____ _____ _____ _____ C/G
    1 2 3 4 5
    D finish before E.
    DIRECTIONS for the questions 6 - 10: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.
  6. If ‘+’ means ‘divided by’ ‘-’ means ‘multiplied by’ ‘ ×’ means ‘minus’ and ‘÷’ means ‘plus’ then what is the value of the following expression?
    8 + 6 − 2 ÷ 4× 4
    1. 12
    2. 2/3
    3. 3/2
    4. None of these.
    Answer: Option D.
    8 ÷ 6 × 2 + 4 − 4 =8⁄ 3 Hence D Option.
  7. What will be the next term of the series?
    DCXW FEVU HGTS ------
    1. LKPO
    2. ABYZ
    3. JIRQ
    4. LMRS
    Answer: Option C.
    Meaningful 3 letter words starting with ‘A’ are ACT, ACE, AIR, ANT, ATE, ARTn first alphabet, that is difference of 1 alphabet. Same in H to J case. Thus answer is C.
  8. If English alphabets are written in reverse order, what will be the fourth letter to the right from the 13th letter
    1. J
    2. L
    3. K
    4. M
    Answer: Option A.
    From the left, 13th letter is N and to the right of N, fourth letter is J.
  9. If
    1. A * B means A is the brother of B.
    2. A # B means A is the daughter of B.
    3. A $ B means A is the sister of B.
    Which one of the following shows the relation that Q is the niece of P?
    1. P $ R # Q
    2. P * R # Q
    3. Q # R $ P
    4. Q # R # P
    Answer: Option C.
  10. House : Windows :: Man : ?
    1. Emotion
    2. Eyes
    3. Speech
    4. Brain
    Answer: Option B.
    Answer is B option.
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