Interview Questions of all major companies

Final step to select a candidate as an employee is Interview as it helps to determine a candidate's personality. Interview stage may have various sub-levels such as Technical Interview, Managerial Interview, HR Interview, Client Interview etc. All these interviews focus more to expose the real Personality of the candidate.
Various types of Interview:
Technical interview
Questions related to specific technical fields are asked in this round. Questions may be based on specific knowledge about the company's technical activities; understanding of the technical work required to be completed as part of the job applied for or may enquire candidates to solve actual technical problems that they would be likely to face if employed.
Managerial Interview
Managerial Interview is much different from entry-level job interviews. Instead of asking you about your skills, the hiring manager will address a number of different competencies. This helps the hiring manager understand how you'll think and act in tough management situations.
HR Interview
Final step to select a candidate as an employee is Interview as it helps to determine a candidate's personality. Questions can be of the wide range starting from your introduction, qualification, industry-specific experience, courses done, your strengths and weaknesses, salary expectations, friends, family etc.
Client Interview
The purpose of the client interview is to interact with the new team member, know more about the knowledge and interviewee's experience, and also how interviewee can use his/her knowledge in company projects. hitbullseye provides a comprehensive list of Interview questions of all the major companies.
Given below is a list of companies with commonly asked Interview Questions. This will help you to work wonders in the final battle!
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