Technical Questions asked in iNautix

  1. Which of the following does the data integrity refer to?
    1. Simplicity of data
    2. Privacy of data
    3. Security of data
    4. Validity of data

    Answer : Option A.
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  1. What is the output of code fragement?
    int x==4;
    printf("%d %d",x++,++x);
    1. 44
    2. 45
    3. 55
    4. 56

    Answer : Option C.
  2. Through which the transfer of data from CPU to peripheral devices of a computer is achieved:
    1. Interface
    2. Modems
    3. Computer Ports
    4. None of These

    Answer : Option A.
  3. In C language, the sizes of an integer and a pointer must be
    1. Same
    2. Vary
    3. Depends on the compiler
    4. None of these

    Answer : Option C.
  4. What is the value range of unsigned char in C language?
    1. -128 to 127
    2. 0 to 255
    3. -128 to 255
    4. -127 to 128

    Answer : Option B.
  5. Predict the output of the following program:
    int x[ ]={5,6,7,8,9};
    a=(char *)x;
    printf(%d,*((int*) a+3));
    1. 8
    2. 5
    3. 7
    4. Error

    Answer : Option A.
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