GE Sample Verbal Questions

NOTE: This section is not present in this company's placement process. If you still want to practise, some questions are provided below.
DIRECTIONS for questions 1 to 2 : The constituent phrases of a sentence are jumbled up. Select the most appropriate sequence to make the sentence meaningful.
  1. (i) no law giving effect to the policy of the state towards securing all or any of the principles laid in part IV
    (ii) notwithstanding anything contained in Article 13
    (iii) and no law containing a declaration that it is for giving effect to such policy shall be called in question in any court on the ground that it does not give effect to such policy
    (iv) shall be deemed to be void on the ground that it is inconsistent with or takes away or abridges any of the rights conferred by Article 14 or 19
    1. ii, i, iii, iv
    2. iv, i, ii, iii
    3. ii, i, iv, iii
    4. i, ii, iii, iv
    Answer:  Option C.
    Notwithstanding anything contained in article 13, no law giving effect to the policy of the State towards securing all or any of the principles laid down in Part IV shall be deemed to be void on the ground that it is inconsistent with, or takes away or abridges any of the rights conferred by article 14 or article 19; and no law containing a declaration that it is for giving effect to such policy shall be called in question in any court on the ground that it does not give effect to such policy. The correct order is mentioned in C.
  2. (i) neither House shall proceed further with the Bill,
    (ii) if he does so, the houses shall meet accordingly
    (iii) but the President may at any time after the date of his notification summon the Houses to meet in a joint sitting for the purpose specified in the notification and,
    (iv) where the President has under clause (1) notified his intention of summoning the Houses to meet in a joint sitting,
    1. iv, i, iii, ii
    2. iv, i, ii, iii
    3. iv, ii, iii, i
    4. i, ii, iii, iv
    Answer: Option  A.
    Where the President has under clause (1) notified his intention of summoning the Houses to meet in a joint sitting, neither House shall proceed further with the Bill, but the President may at any time after the date of his notification summon the Houses to meet in a joint sitting for the purpose specified in the notification and, if he does so, the Houses shall meet accordingly. So the correct order is mentioned in option A.
    DIRECTIONS for questions 3 to 7 : Read the given passage carefully and attempt the questions that follow.
    It is an old saying that knowledge is power. Education is an instrument which imparts knowledge and therefore, indirectly controls power. Therefore, ever since the dawn of our civilisation, persons in power have always tried to supervise or control education. It has been handmaid of the ruling class. During the Christian era, the ecclesiastics controlled the institution of education and diffused among the people the gospel of the Bible and religious teachings. These gospels and teachings were no other than a philosophy for the maintenance of the existing society. It taught the poor man to be meek and to earn his bread with the sweat of his brow, while the priests and the landlords lived in luxury and fought duels for the slightest offence. During the Renaissance, education passed more from the clutches of the priest into the hands of the prince. In other words, it became more secular. Under the control of the monarch, education began to devise and preach the infallibility of its masters, the monarch or king. It also invented and supported fantastic theories like "The Divine Right Theory" and that the king can do no wrong, etc. With the advent of the industrial revolution, education took a different turn and had to please the new masters. It now no longer remained the privilege of the baron class, but was thrown open to the new rich merchant class of the society. The philosophy which was in vogue during this period was that of "Laissez Faire" restricting the function of the state to a mere keeping of laws and order while on the other hand, in practice the law of the jungle prevailed in the form of free competition and the survival of the fittest.
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  1. What does the theory "Divine Right of King" stipulate?
    1. The kings are God
    2. That the right of governing is conferred upon the kings by God
    3. They have the right to be worshipped like Gods by their subjects
    4. That the right of kings are divine and therefore sacred
    Answer: Option  D.
    The answer to this question can be inferred after reading the lines “Under the control of the………. can do no wrong, etc.” Moreover the other options are weak options.
  2. Who controlled education during the Renaissance?
    1. The common people
    2. The prince
    3. The church and the priests
    4. None of these
    Answer: Option  B.
    It is clearly mentioned in the lines “During the Renaissance,……….. hands of the prince.”
  3. What did the ruling class in the Christian Era think of the poor man ?
    1. That he is the beloved of God
    2. That he deserves all sympathy of the rich
    3. That he should be strong and lord over others
    4. That he is meant for serving the rich
    Answer:  Option  D.
    It is clearly mentioned in the lines “It taught the poor man…………. the slightest offence.”
  4. Who controlled the institution of education during the Christian Era ?
    1. The secular leaders of society
    2. The church and the priests
    3. The monarchs
    4. The common people
    Answer: Option  B.
    It is clearly mentioned in the lines “During the Christian era………. teachings. The word “ecclesiastics” means a member of the clergy or other person in religious orders.
  5. What does the word "infallibility" mean?
    1. That every man is open to error
    2. Sensitivity
    3. The virtue of not making mistake
    4. That some divine power is responsible for determining the fate of the man
    Answer: Option  C.
    The meaning of the infallibility means not liable to error. Therefore the answer option is C.
    DIRECTIONS for questions 8 to 9 : Select the best option from the four alternatives given below.
  6. Unless he ____________ this office, I will not say anything.
    1. Left
    2. Did not leave
    3. Leaves
    4. Had left
    Answer: Option C
    The correct answer option is 3. Unless means except if or only if.
  7. __________ , I would help all the poor people.
    1. If I am rich
    2. If I was rich
    3. If I were rich
    4. In case I am rich
    Answer: Option  C.
    In hypothetical sentences, Plural verb is used irrespective of the subject.
    DIRECTIONS for questions 10: Choose the explanation that catches the spirit of the idiom given in each question.
  8. A Panacea
    1. An injection that serves as a life line
    2. A lecture full of precepts
    3. A strong drug that induces sleep
    4. A single cure for all diseases or troubles
    Answer: Option D.
    Panacea means ‘a remedy for all disease’.
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