GE Reasoning Question

NOTE: This section is not present in this company's placement process. If you still want to practise, some questions are provided below.
DIRECTIONS for the questions 1 to 4 : Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.
A, B, C, D, E, F and G are travelling in a train compartment with III – tier A.C. berth. Each of them has a different profession of Engineer, Doctor, Architect, Pharmacist, Lawyer, Journalist and Pathologist. They occupied two lower berths, three middle berths and two upper births. A, the Engineer is not on the upper birth. The Architect is the only other person who occupies the same type of berth as that of A. B and F are not on the middle berth and their professions are Pathologist and Lawyer respectively. C is a Pharmacist. G is neither a Journalist nor an Architect. E occupies same type of berth as that of the Doctor.
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  1. What is G’s profession?
    1. Doctor
    2. Engineer
    3. Lawyer
    4. Pharmacist
    5. Data Inadequate
    Answer: Option A.
    With the information given above, we can make the following table.
    Persons Profession Berth
    A Engineer Lower Berth
    B Pathologist Upper Berth
    C Pharmacist Middle Berth
    D Architect Lower Berth
    E Journalist Middle Berth
    F Lawyer Upper Berth
    G Doctor Middle Berth
    Accordingly, G is a doctor.
  2. Which of the following group occupies middle birth?
    1. GED
    2. GFC
    3. FEC
    4. GEC
    5. None of These
    Answer: Option D.
    Persons Profession Berth
    A Engineer Lower Berth
    B Pathologist Upper Berth
    C Pharmacist Middle Berth
    D Architect Lower Berth
    E Journalist Middle Berth
    F Lawyer Upper Berth
    G Doctor Middle Berth
    Middle birth is occupied by GEC
  3. Which of the following pairs occupy the lower berth?
    1. AG
    2. AD
    3. AC
    4. BC
    5. Data Inadequate
    Answer: Option B.
    Persons Profession Berth
    A Engineer Lower Berth
    B Pathologist Upper Berth
    C Pharmacist Middle Berth
    D Architect Lower Berth
    E Journalist Middle Berth
    F Lawyer Upper Berth
    G Doctor Middle Berth
    A and D are occupying the lower birth
  4. Who is the Architect?
    1. G
    2. F
    3. D
    4. A
    5. None Of these
    Answer: Option C.
    Persons Profession Berth
    A Engineer Lower Berth
    B Pathologist Upper Berth
    C Pharmacist Middle Berth
    D Architect Lower Berth
    E Journalist Middle Berth
    F Lawyer Upper Berth
    G Doctor Middle Berth
    D is Architect.
    DIRECTIONS for the questions 5 to 8: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.
    P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are seven persons sitting around a circle facing at the center. R is fourth to the right of S who is second to the right of T. P is third to the left of T. U is not an immediate neighbour of S. V is not an immediate neighbour of P.
  5. Who is immediate left of P?
    1. Q
    2. S
    3. V
    4. T
    5. None of these
    Answer: Option A.
    We can arrange the persons around and circle as:

    So Q is immediate left of P.
  6. Who is to the immediate right of U?
    1. P
    2. R
    3. T
    4. Q
    5. None of these
    Answer: Option B.

    R is immediate right of U.
  7. Who is third to the right of V?
    1. S
    2. T
    3. Q
    4. V
    5. P
    Answer: Option E.

    P is third the right of V.
  8. Who is between T and S?
    1. R
    2. V
    3. P
    4. Q
    5. None of these
    Answer: Option B

    V is between T and S
    DIRECTIONS for the questions 9 to 10 : Solve the following question and mark the most appropriate option.
  9. If the letters of the words ‘DOCUMENT’ are rearranged as they appear in the English alphabet, the position of how many letters remain unchanged after the rearrangement?
    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 3
    5. 4
    Answer: Option A.
    Given word:D O C U M E N T
    After rearrangement:C D E M N O T U
    So, no alphabet is at its same place.
  10. The first and the second digits of each numbers given below are interchanged. Then, the first and the last digits of each new number thus formed are interchanged. Which of the following numbers then will be the highest?
    1. 165
    2. 354
    3. 247
    4. 489
    5. 234
    Answer: Option D.
    After rearranging all the numbers, we get 516, 435, 724, 948, 423. Hence, option D.
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