Convergys Reasoning Question

DIRECTIONS for the question 1 to 5: Answer these questions independently of each other.
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  1. A is the brother of B and C. D is C's mother. E is A's father. On the basis of this information, point out which of the following statements cannot be definitely true?
    1. E is D's husband
    2. E is B's father
    3. B is E's son
    4. A is D's son
    5. D is A's mother
    Answer: Option C.
    Gender of B and C is not evident.
  2. If the letters in PRABA are coded as 27595 and THILAK are coded as 368457, then how can BHARATHI be coded in the same code language?
    1. 96575368
    2. 96855368
    3. 37536689
    4. 757686535
    5. 95675368
    Answer:  Option A.
    Here the coding is very simple .
    Each letter of the word is coded by a digit and are in the same order as the letters in  the word are
    letter : P   R  A   B   I   H   I   L   K
    Code:  2    7   5   9    3   6   8    4   7
    Hense , the code for  BHARATHI IS 96575368. 
  3. Four the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
    1. 29
    2. 239
    3. 1020
    4. 3119
    5. 7769
    Answer: Option C.
    29 = 25 - 3; 239 = 35 - 4; 1020 = 45 - 4; 3119 = 55 - 6; 7769 = 65 - 7
  4. If 'K' means 'x', 'H' means '÷', 'M' means '+' and 'N' means '-', then what is the value of 14H7K8N6N10
    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 3
    5. None of these
    Answer: Option A.
    14 ÷ 7 x 8 - 6 - 10 = 2 x 8 - 16 = 0
  5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
    1. Anger : Rage
    2. Famous : Renowned
    3. Error : Blunder
    4. Crime : Sin
    5. Quarrel : Enemy
    Answer: Option E.
    Others are pairs of synonyms.
    DIRECTIONS for the question 6 to 10: The following questions are accompanied by three statements A, B and C. You have to determined which statement(s) is/are necessary / sufficient to answer the question.
  6. What will be the share of R in the profit earned by V, R and A together?
    A. They together invested an amount of Rs.54000 for a period of one year.
    B. R's investment was 25% less than V's and 50% more than A's.
    C. The profit of V is Rs.4000 more than that of A.
    1. Only A and B together
    2. A. B and C all required
    3. Only B
    4. Only B and C together
    5. Question can't answered even after using all the informations
    Answer: Option A.
    Statement (B) gives the ratio of their investments. i.e. V : R : A = 200 : 150 : 100 = 4 : 3 : 2 Now, combining this with statement (C), Share of R = Rs. 6000.
  7. What is the minimum marks required to pass an examination?
    A. A student gets 25% marks and fails by 40 marks.
    B. Another student who appeared in the same examination get 70% of the pass marks and fails by 42 marks.
    C. The total marks of the examination is 400.
    1. Any two of them
    2. Either B alone or A and C together
    3. Only A and together
    4. Any of them
    5. None of them
    Answer: Option B.
    From (B) alone, 70% + 42 = 100% or, 30% = 42 or, 100% = 140 From (A) and (C) together, Pas marks = 25% of 400 + 40 = 140 Hence, B alone or A and C together is sufficient.
  8. Find the length of the side of a square.
    A. Total cost of flooring the square is Rs.1000 at the rate of Rs.40 per square metre.
    B. A rectangle whose perimeter is 20 m is equal to the perimeter of the square.
    C. A square of area equal to 50 sqm can be made on the diagonal of the given square.
    1. Any of them
    2. Any two of them
    3. Either B or C only
    4. Either A or B only
    5. Either A or C only
    Answer: Option A
    A ⇒ Length Area of the square =  side of the square = = 5m
    B ⇒ Length of the square of = 5m
    C ⇒ Length of the diagonal =  side of the square = 5m Hence, any of them is sufficient to answer the question.
  9. A shopkeeper sold an article and got Rs.108 as profit. Find the profit percentage.
    A. Selling price of the article is Rs.828
    B. He gave 10% discount on the marked price, which is Rs.920
    C. Cost price of the article is Rs.720
    1. Any two of them
    2. Either A or C
    3. Any of them
    4. Only B
    5. All statements are required
    Answer: Option C.
    A ⇒ % profit = B ⇒ SP of the article = 920 C ⇒ % profit = 15% Hence, any of them is sufficient.
  10. In how many days can a work be completed by X, Y and Z together?
    A. Ratio of the work efficiencies of X, Y and Z is 3 : 2 : 1.
    B. Z works for 5 days and leaves the job and the remaining work is done by X and Y together in 5 days.
    C. 60% of the work is done by A in 6 days.
    1. Any two of them
    2. Either B alone or A and C together
    3. Only A and together
    4. Any of them
    5. None of them
    Answer: Option D.
    From statements (A) and (C), X alone can do the work in 10 days, Y alone can do the work in 15 days and Z alone can do the work in 30 days. Hence, all three together can do the work in 5 days. From statement (B) alone, z works for 5 days and the remaining work is done by X and Y together. Hence, all three together can do the work in 5 days. Hence B alone or A and C together are sufficient.
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