Technical Questions asked in Cadence

  1. The Program Counter (PC)
    1. is a register
    2. during exacution of the current instruction, its content changes
    3. both (a) and (c)
    4. none of these
    Answer: Option C
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  1. Virtual memory
    1. is a method of memory allocation by which the program is subdivided into equal portions,
    2. 8 pages and core is subdivided into equal portions
    3. consists of those addresses that may begenerated by a processor during execution of a computation
    4. is a method of allocating processor time
    5. allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at a time
    Answer: Option C
  2. To scan a and b given below which scanf () statement would you use?
    flat a;
    double b;
    1. scanf ("%f%f",&a,&b);
    2. Scan f ("%Lf%Lf",&a,&b);
    3. scanf("%f%Lf",&a,&b);
    4. Scanf("%f%1f’,&a,&b);
    Answer: Option D
  3. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
    1. C provides no input-output features
    2. C provides no file access features
    3. Provides no features to manipulate composite objects
    4. All of these
    Answer: Option D
  4. 5. Consider following program fragment:
    char c = 'a'; while
    while (c++ < = 'z')
    putchar (xxx);
    If required output is, then xxx should be
    1. C
    2. c-2
    3. C-1
    4. --c
    Answer: Option C
  1. The average time required to perform a successful sequential search for an element in an array
    A(l : n) is given by
    1. (n + 1)/2
    2. Log2 n
    3. n(n + 1)/2
    4. n2
    Answer: Option A
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