TCS NQT Exam Pattern and Syllabus

TCS National Qualifier Test (NQT) is an online test conducted to hire the most talented brains across the country. It is open to all technical graduates and postgraduates across the country. The qualifying students are selected for TCS Ninja and TCS Digital profiles. The exam is expected to be conducted on 24, 25, and 26 October 2020.
TCS Ninja and TCS Digital: Selection Procedure
TCS Ninja and TCS Digital hiring follows a common selection procedure. The process consists of following rounds:
  1. Online Test - TCS National Qualifier Test (NQT)
    • Mandatory NQT
    • Subject NQT
  2. Interviews: Technical, Managerial & HR
The students who clear the online test are called for the interview rounds.
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TCS National Qualifier Test - Exam Pattern
Candidates appearing for TCS NQT cannot switch between sections. Also, there is no negative marking in all of the sections. Given below is the detailed exam pattern of NQT:
Online Rounds
Skill Tested
No. of Questions
Time (In Minutes)
Mandatory NQT
Verbal Ability
Reasoning Ability
Numerical Ability
Subject NQT
Programming Logic
Hands On (Coding 1)
Hands on (Coding 2)
TCS National Qualifier Test - Syllabus
Candidates must be clear with the fundamental concepts of each section. Prepare for the following topics of each section:
1. Verbal Ability
Verbal Ability has replaced the Cloze Test section of TCS NQT. The section tests your vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. The questions in this section will be based on Sentence Completion, Error Identification, Synonyms, Word Selection, Error Identification, Passage ordering, Etc.
2. Numerical Ability
In this section, the questions are asked from the following topics:
  • Number system, HCF & LCM, Percentages, Averages, Series & Progression, Ratio & Proportion
  • Algebra, Functions, Equations
  • Time, Speed & Distance
  • Time & Work
  • Probability, Permutation & Combination
  • Geometry
  • Clocks & Calendar
  • Reasoning
  1. Reasoning Ability
The section contains questions based on following topics:
  • Number series
  • Meaningful word Creation
  • Blood Relations
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Ages
  • Distance & Direction
  • Statement and Conclusion
  • Symbols and Notations etc.
4. Programming Logic
Questions in this section are based on Data Structure, Advanced Data Structure, OOPs and Basics of C. Other sub-topics are:
  • Data Types
  • Input-Output (Based on C)
  • Call By Value/Reference
  • Pointers
  • Variables and Registers
  • Iteration
  • Recursion
  • Virtual and Pure Virtual
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Linked Lists
In this section, you can expect questions from Number series printing, Strings, Matrix, Pythagoras Triplets and LCM of 3 numbers.
General Instructions for TCS NQT:
  • The test questions will appear as per the order of sections given in the above table. Once you migrate from one section to another, you cannot go back to the previous section. For example, if you have moved to Programming section, you cannot go back to Quantitative Aptitude and so on.
  • The countdown timer on the test screen will display the time left to complete the particular section. There are separate timers for each section and the timer will start from the moment the first question appears on the screen.
  • The time duration for each section is fixed. If you complete a section in less than the allotted time, the left over time will not be carried forward to the remaining sections.
  • Click SUBMIT at the end of each section to move to the next one.
Now that you are aware of the exam pattern, prepare the fundamentals of each section and invest a good amount of time in practicing the expected questions.
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