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Punam Aswani has an MBA degree from Pune University and has spent more than 17 years in the service industry. She has mentored and trained numerous professionals and helped many students improve their communication skills and vocabulary. Her teaching and language skills have paved the way for many young professionals to ace campus placement rounds and get the job they always wanted.
Time is a valuable resource and we all need to learn how to utilise it to the best of our abilities. Working extra hours to complete a task that could have been achieved faster had you just managed time better – such a scenario can be easily avoided with the help of this invaluable chapter. Learn to work smarter, not longer.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to plan and achieve personal and professional goals in life efficiently. By using specific time management tools and learning how to manage resources, you will be able to utilise your time successfully and enhance your productivity as well. Learn all about the fundamental concepts, valuable tips and strategies on how to become a more efficient time-manager today.