Our expert academic team takes you on a journey of step-by-step learning using visually interactive lectures
Gain momentum with complementary reading from our state of the art e-library
Refine the skills you acquire through meticulously-structured assignments and practice questions
Benchmark your progress by taking tests that simulate actual exam environment
Punam Aswani has an MBA degree from Pune University and has spent more than 17 years in the service industry. She has mentored and trained numerous professionals and helped many students improve their communication skills and vocabulary. Her teaching and language skills have paved the way for many young professionals to ace campus placement rounds and get the job they always wanted.
Ayna has an MBA degree in Marketing & HR from Punjab University, Chandigarh. She is a highly dedicated teacher with a go-to attitude and an experience of over 6 years in the field of teaching. She is an effective communicator and possesses a positive attitude that makes her a very resourceful teacher who enhances students’ performance in campus placement and recruitment.
Answering a phone call at your workplace is way different than attending a regular, informal call. At work, you need to follow certain telephone etiquettes when talking to clients. It can potentially make or break a business deal, which is why you need to learn this skill to be a worthy employee at your dream company.
Our course will help you understand how to talk professionally on a phone call and the various advantages that oral communication has. The do’s and don’ts talked about in this course will ensure that you are able to make an effective telephonic conversation. So don’t waste any more time and read on to hone your communication skills while on the phone!