Our expert academic team takes you on a journey of step-by-step learning using visually interactive lectures
Gain momentum with complementary reading from our state of the art e-library
Refine the skills you acquire through meticulously-structured assignments and practice questions
Benchmark your progress by taking tests that simulate actual exam environment
KJS Khurana has worked in the teaching industry for more than twenty years. A MBA degree holder, he found his calling in the field of education and has authored various books on competitive exams of S Chand Publications including the best sellers Math 18-days Wonder & Math 30-days Wonder, English 18 days Wonder.
Deepak Dureja has a B.E. and MBA along with decades of knowledge and the ability to calculate in a matter of seconds. This is what makes his teaching style unique and gives his mentored students a competitive edge when they are sitting for any campus placement tests and exams.
Ratio and Mixture is one of the most popular topics used by top recruiters to test the quantitative ability of candidates. Questions based on Ratio and Mixture often tend to be mind boggling, and candidates end up making mistakes.
This course not only deals with the basics of Ratios and Mixtures but also the advanced concepts. Partnership and related problems have also been dealt with. The solved examples will help you attempt questions in the real exam with ease. So make the most of this course and take a step closer to success!