Our expert academic team takes you on a journey of step-by-step learning using visually interactive lectures
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Refine the skills you acquire through meticulously-structured assignments and practice questions
Benchmark your progress by taking tests that simulate actual exam environment
KJS Khurana has worked in the teaching industry for more than twenty years. A MBA degree holder, he found his calling in the field of education and has authored various books on competitive exams of S Chand Publications including the best sellers Math 18-days Wonder & Math 30-days Wonder, English 18 days Wonder.
Deepak Dureja has a B.E. and MBA along with decades of knowledge and the ability to calculate in a matter of seconds. This is what makes his teaching style unique and gives his mentored students a competitive edge when they are sitting for any campus placement tests and exams.
A good chunk of questions in campus placement tests are asked from percentages and profit and loss. Your aim should not just be to solve these questions correctly but to manage to do so well within time. This course will guide you on how to tackle such questions with speed and accuracy.
This course will teach you about the basic percentage terms and the conversion of percentages to fraction. This conversion table is very essential to solve problems in profit and loss as the questions from the latter deal with a lot of percentage and fraction terms. The solved examples will give you a taste of how to tackle the profit and loss and percentage problems. So prepare with this course and enhance your problem solving skills.