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Jaspreet Kaur has an M.Tech in Computer Science and has been teaching Quant and Computer Science for more than 5 years. Many of her students look to her for guidance and help as she has the ability to teach numerous topics with precision and clarity. With half a decade of experience in campus placements, Ms. Kaur is in the unique position of guiding many students toward their future goals and professions.
Anna Vinocha has a B.Tech degree in Electrical and an M.Tech in Power System. She has a teaching experience of 5 years and has also been an Assistant Professor at a reputed University. Ms. Vinocha has been mentoring learners at our organisation with a lot of dedication and sensitivity and she goes out of her way to make her study material all inclusive and learner friendly.
Management is the one profession that no company or organisation can do without. Today the field of management has endless possibilities and focuses mainly on human relations and other fundamental aspects of businesses. Like any other profession, management too requires a strong foundation and knowledge base for anyone who aspires to get into this line of work.
We won't lie the move to management can be a big step, but it doesn't have to be a daunting one. With this introductory chapter on management, you will understand the basics in no time at all. No company will entrust the future functioning of their business with a manager who isn't up to the mark. So if you want to be put in charge, you need to learn all about motivation, delegation, communication, training, conflict resolution, evaluation and team spirit.