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Guneet R. Singh has over 20 years of experience and has been both an HR and Marketing professional. She is a seasoned professional in the education domain and over the years, has been an effective trainer-facilitator-mentor to many learners. Ms. Singh is also an expert in Learning & Development, Business Development and Talent Acquisition Management, which allows her to help aspirants build the necessary skills to succeed in campus placements.
Dr. Sohan Singh Chandel has a PhD in Psychology and is a respected Psychologist and career counsellor. Since he started Nimit Matr Experiential Trainings, he has gathered extensive experience in training people to perform at their optimal level, overcoming mental barriers and performing better in campus placement and recruitment drives. Dr. Chandel can instantly connect with people and help them change their thoughts and attitude towards life.
Emotional intelligence has today become as important as IQ. Many organisations nowadays test candidates on their Emotional Quotient or EQ. A high EQ is essential if you want to get ahead in your future career and be able to work effectively in a team or even collaborate successfully with other professionals.
This chapter will help you see how emotionally intelligent you really are, how you can improve your EQ, and what emotions you should never display in a professional setting. Once you have understood the importance of EQ and being an emotionally mature person, there is nothing that can come in your way to pursuing a prosperous career. So, when you are working on improving your IQ don’t forget to develop your EQ too. Trust us, it can make all the difference during the whole campus recruitment process.