Our expert academic team takes you on a journey of step-by-step learning using visually interactive lectures
Gain momentum with complementary reading from our state of the art e-library
Refine the skills you acquire through meticulously-structured assignments and practice questions
Benchmark your progress by taking tests that simulate actual exam environment
Anoop Ohri has an MBA degree from IIM Lucknow with a background in Commerce. He is a brilliant facilitator and has been associated with Banking Industry while also working as a Freelance Consultant. Mr Ohri’s decades of experience in the field and the fact that he has excellent insight into the world of management makes him the ideal mentor for aspirants looking to make it big in this profession.
Anil Sharma has an MBA degree in Strategy and Marketing from Management Development Institute, Gurgaon and a B. Com from Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University. Mr Sharma is an avid reader and a sports enthusiast, with a keen interest in capital markets. He has been an active member of Bullseye interview preparation team for the last 2 years. With decades of experience in corporate banking, he is the perfect teacher to help students clear critical hurdles during campus placements & other entrance tests.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) forms an essential part of today’s corporate world. Knowledge of various components and processes involved in CRM will go a long way in helping you climb the professional ladder. With CRM in place, companies are able to manage customer-related data in a more efficient way.
This course is devised to equip you with the all the essentials of CRM and its applications. You will also learn about its impact on the company’s interaction with the current and potential customers. The course includes eBook, videos and assignments to help you gain insights in the field of customer relationships.