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Punam Aswani has an MBA degree from Pune University and has spent more than 17 years in the service industry. She has mentored and trained numerous professionals and helped many students improve their communication skills and vocabulary. Her teaching and language skills have paved the way for many young professionals to ace campus placement rounds and get the job they always wanted.
Vineet Sharma is a dynamic, client-driven training professional who has 3 years of experience in multidisciplinary fields. He is known for his voice & accent training and has a firm grasp of grammar. Mr. Sharma has interacted and worked with many learners and helped them use the subtlety of language to their advantage in a professional environment.
Grammar questions frequently feature in placement tests and active and passive voice is an important part of this section. The arrangement of subject, verb and object determines whether the sentence is in Active voice or Passive voice.
This chapter is equipped with the important rules to change active voice into passive and vice-versa. You will be familiarised with the basics of active and passive voice along with examples. Further, you will be able to evaluate your level of proficiency with the help of tests and assignments.