IAS Exam Pattern

IAS exam is one of toughest exam in the country which demands a lot of dedication, motivation, planning and hard work. IAS officers are selected from Civil services examination conducted annually by UPSC. IAS exam consists of 3 stages i.e. Prelims, Mains and Interview stage. After which a candidate undergoes the training for various categories.
Exam Pattern:
Preliminary Stage
Papers No. of Questions Maximum Marks
Paper 1 100 Questions 200 Marks
Paper 2 80 Questions 200 Marks
Mains Stage
Papers No. of Questions Maximum Marks
Qualifying papers
Paper A Indian Language 300 Marks
Paper B English Language 300 Marks
Merit Papers
Paper 1 Essay 250 Marks
Paper 2 GS 1 (Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the
World and Society)
250 Marks
Paper 3 GS 2 (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and
International relations) )
250 Marks
Paper 4 GS 3 (Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity,
Environment, Security and Disaster Management)
250 Marks
Paper 5 GS 4 (Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude) 250 Marks
Optional Subjects
Paper 6 Optional 1 250 Marks
Paper 7 Optional 2 250 Marks
Total Marks
1750 Marks
Final Stage: Interview
At Interview stage, a personality test of 275 marks is conducted to judge the decision making, mental stability, leadership skills, critical thinking ability etc. So prepare hard and execute well.
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