All About IES (Indian Engineering Services) Exam

What is IES?
Indian Engineering Services (IES) is a top-level exam conducted by UPSC to meet the technical and managerial functions of Government of India. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is India's central agency authorized to conduct various examination like Civil Services Examination, IES & NDA.
Engineering graduates consider IES as a sought-after career choice and it is the dream of many aspirants in the country. The importance of the exam can be established by the fact that in the past 3 years, a large number of students have appeared in this examination for the limited number of seats available. The nature and pattern of the exam are considered as toughest in the world due to its very small selection ratio. IES is considered a prestigious career choice for engineering students as it helps students to gain entry into the bureaucratic mechanism of the country at an officer level.
Any candidate of 21-30 years of age with a graduate degree is eligible to apply for IES exam.
Categories of Services/Posts allocated under IES:
Category I Civil Engineering
Category II Mechanical Engineering
Category III Electrical Engineering
Category IV Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Stages of Exam:
Stages Type of Exam Details Total Marks
Preliminary Objective Paper ( MCQ Based) 2 papers 500 Marks (-0.33 negative marking)
Mains Conventional Papers (Essay writing based) 2 papers 600 Marks ( 300 marks each)
Interview Personality Test - 200 Marks
Group-A Services/Posts
  1. Indian Railway Service of Engineers.
  2. Indian Railway Stores Service (Civil Engineering Posts).
  3. Central Engineering Service
  4. Indian Ordnance Factories Service AWM/JTS (Civil Engineering Post)
  5. Central Engineering Service (Roads), Group-A (Civil Engineering Posts).
  6. Survey of India Group ‘A’ Service.
  7. AEE (Civil) in Border Road Engineering Service.
  8. Indian Defence Service of Engineers.
  9. AEE (QS&C) in MES Surveyor Cadre
Group-A Services/Posts
  1. Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers.
  2. Indian Railway Stores Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts).
  3. Central Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts).
  4. Indian Ordnance Factories Service AWM/JTS (Mechanical Engineering Posts).
  5. Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service/SSO-II (Mechanical).
  6. AEE in GSI Engineering Service Gr ‘A’.
  7. Indian Defence Service of Engineers.
  8. Indian Naval Armament Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts).
  9. Asstt. Naval Store Officer Grade-I (Mechanical Engineering Posts) in Indian Navy.
  10. AEE(Mech) in Border Roads Engineering Service.
Group-A Services/Posts
  1. Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers.
  2. Indian Railway Stores Service (Electrical Engineering Posts).
  3. Central Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Service (Electrical Engineering Posts).
  4. Indian Defence Service of Engineers.
  5. Indian Naval Armament Service (Electrical Engineering Posts).
  6. Asstt. Naval Store Officer Grade-I (Electrical Engineering Posts) in Indian Navy.
Group-A/B Services/Posts
  1. Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers.
  2. Indian Railway Stores Service (Telecommunication/Electronics Engineering Posts).
  3. Indian Radio Regulatory Service Gr ‘A’.
  4. Indian Ordnance Factories Service AWM/JTS (Electronics and Telecom Engineering Posts).
  5. Indian Telecommunication Service Gr ‘A’.
  6. Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics and Telecom Engineering Posts).
  7. Asstt. Naval Store Officer Grade-I (Electronics and Telecom Engg. Posts) in Indian Navy.
  8. Junior Telecom Officer Gr ‘B’.
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