Test Pattern & Selection Procedure of Honeywell

Honeywell International Inc. headquartered in Morris Plains, New Jersey, US is an American multinational conglomerate which has several branches all over the world including India. The firm offer services in various areas including aerospace systems, engineering, etc and have numerous employees working in various levels in the organization. The recruitment in Honeywell is done for many technical posts.
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Selection Process:
Honeywell conducts recruitment process every year to select new candidates. The selection process of the company consists of 3 rounds. These rounds are as follows:
  • Written Exam
  • Group Discussion
  • Personal Interview
Academic Criteria:
  • Applicant should be an engineering graduate from IT/CSE/ECE or should be MCA or MTech
  • Candidates should have minimum of 65% throughout in graduation, 12th and 10th.
  • No backlogs are allowed.
Pattern of Written Exam:
Section Number of Questions Total Time
Aptitude 30 30 minutes
Technical 35 30 minutes
Total 65 60 minutes
Total time allotted for the exam is 60 mins.
  • Aptitude Testconsists of questions on Quant, Critical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and English
  • Technical paperconsists of questions on core subjects on graduation like computer science, electrical, mechanical, etc.
Overall the level of the paper is easy to moderatee. Only those candidates who clear the written exam will qualify for the next round.
*The Company reserves the right to make changes in the written exam.
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