Bechtel Reasoning Questions

DIRECTIONS for questions 1 to 3: What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
  1. 11, 14, 19, 28, 43, ?
    1. 60
    2. 63
    3. 66
    4. 70
    5. None of these
    Answer: Option C
    11, 14, 19, 28, 43,
    Difference 3,5,9,15,23
    So next term = 43+23 = 66
  2. 0, 6, 24, 60, 120,?
    1. 22
    2. 26
    3. 216
    4. 210
    5. None of these
    Answer: Option D
    0, 6, 24, 60, 120,?
    Logic 13-1 =0
    23-2 = 6
    As on so 63-6= 210
  3. 23, 50, 108, 232, 496, ?
    1. 1028
    2. 1024
    3. 1020
    4. 1032
    5. None of these
    Answer: Option E
    Logic 23*2+4 = 50
    50*2+8 = 108
    108*2+16 = 232
    232*2+32 = 496
    496*2+64 = 1056
DIRECTIONS for the questions 4 to 8: Study the given information carefully to answer the given question.
Seven boxes- R, S, T, U, V, W and X are kept one above the other, but not necessarily in the same order. Each box contains different elements- Chocolates, Accessories, Ribbons, Balloons, Keys, Pins and Nuts, but not necessarily in the same order.
Only three boxes are kept between U and V. The ribbon box is kept immediately above U. Only one box is kept between the ribbon box and the nuts box. The nuts box is kept below the ribbon box. Only two boxes are kept between the nuts box and R. S is kept immediately below X. S is not kept immediately above V. Only two boxes are kept between X and the Balloon box. V does not contain balloons. The chocolate box is kept immediately above W. Only three boxes are kept between the chocolates box and the accessories box. W does not contain Keys
  1. How many boxes are kept between T and the nuts box?
    1. None
    2. Two
    3. More than three
    4. Three
    5. One
    Answer: Option E
    V - chocolate
    W - pins
    R - balloons
    T - ribbons
    U - accessories
    X - nuts
    S – keys
    Only one Box is kept between T and Nuts box
  2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
    1. X-Ribbons
    2. S-Pins
    3. R-Balloons
    4. U-Keys
    5. R-Chocolates
    Answer: Option C
    V - chocolate
    W - pins
    R - balloons
    T - ribbons
    U - accessories
    X - nuts
    S – keys
    R – balloons does not belong to the group .
  1. What is the position of S in the given stack of boxes?
    1. Second from the top
    2. Third from the bottom
    3.  Fifth from the top 
    4. Fourth from the top First from the bottom
    Answer: Option E
    V - chocolate
    W - pins
    R - balloons T - ribbons
    U - accessories
    X - nuts
    S – keys
    Position of S in the given stack of boxes is First from the bottom
  2. Which of the following boxes contains pins?
    1. V
    2. S
    3. Other than those given as options
    4. W
    5. X
    Answer: Option D
    V - chocolate
    W - pins
    R - balloons
    T - ribbons
    U - accessories
    X - nuts
    S – keys
    Box W is contains Pins
  3. Which of the following boxes is kept immediately below R?
    1. The Ribbon Box
    2. X
    3. W
    4. V
    5. The Accessories Box
    Answer: Option A
    V - chocolate
    W - pins
    R - balloons
    T - ribbons
    U - accessories
    X - nuts
    S – keys
    The ribbon box is kept immediately below R.
DIRECTIONS for questions 9 to 10: In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Mark answer
  1. If only conclusion 1 follows.
  2. If only conclusion II follows.
  3. If either conclusion I or II follows.
  4. If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
  5. If both conclusions I and II follow.
  1. Statements:A > B ≤ C = D ≤ E, C ≤ F = G >
    Conclusions: I.G ≤ H
    II. A > H

    Answer: Option D
    Statements: G > H so conclusion I is false
    Conclusion II is false as no relation is established between A and H.
  2. Statements: H ≥ T > S ≤ Q, T ≥ U = V > B
    Conclusions: I.V > S
    II. B ≤ H

    Answer: Option D
    Conclusions: I. V > S II. B ≤ H
    S < T ≥ U = V
    So conclusion I i:e V > S is false
    H ≥ T ≥ U = V > B
    So conclusion I i:e B ≤ H is false
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