Walmart Reasoning Question

DIRECTIONS for question 1 to 10: Study the following question and mark the best possible option.
  1. If all the symbols are dropped from the arrangement, which of the following will be the tenth from the left end of the given arrangement?
    1. V
    2. 4
    3. F
    4. L
    5. Z
    Answer: Option E.
    # W U 7 * C 3 & K © F B 4 E @ Z L % V 8 S Q A $ N 9 ¥ 2 M 6 5
    If all the symbols are dropped from the arrangement, then the series is:
    W U 7 C 3 K F 4 E Z L V 8 S Q A N 9 2 M 6 5
    Z will be the tenth from the left end of the given arrangement.
  2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the given arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
    1. Z%E
    2. L@V
    3. &C©
    4. 4F@
    5. $Q9
    Answer: Option A.
    Starting from option 2, L is placed in the centre. On it’s both sides, one space each will be followed by @ to left and V towards its right. Therefore, L@V. Same as in the case of &C©, C is placed in the centre. On it’s both sides’ one space each will be followed by '&' to left and © towards its right. This pattern is followed by all other option except Z%E. Z%E is not belonging to that group.
  1. How many such even numbers are there in the given arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a symbol and also followed by a letter?
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. None
    4. Three
    5. More than three
    Answer: Option B.
    In B 4 E and ¥ 2 M , 4 and 2 are the Numbers which is immediately preceded by a symbol and also followed by a letter.
  2. Which of the following is sixth to the right of the twentieth from the right end of the given arrangement?
    1. %
    2. Z
    3. β
    4. L
    5. V
    Answer: Option A.
    ‘%’ is sixth to the right of the twentieth from the right end of the given arrangement.
  3. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the given arrangement?
    #3 CF ©E 4Z ?
    1. EZ
    2. LV
    3. EL
    4. @L
    5. 6L
    Answer: Option D
    #3 CF ©E 4Z ?
    The pairs are made as: the first and the sixth, the second pair will be the preceding symbol to the sixth and the one which is fifth to it, the third pair will be the preceding symbol to the fifth and the one which is fourth to it, the fourth pair will be the preceding symbol to the fifth and the one which is third to it. Similarly, Next pair will be preceding symbol of Z which is @ and the one which is second to it. Therefore, @L will be next pair.
  4. The following series is based on a particular combination of English alphabets and numbers. Which of the following will come in place of question mark (?) in the given series?
    9Z-20 11A-18 13Y-16 15B-14 ?
    1. 14D-10
    2. 16B-12
    3. 17X-12
    4. 16X-10
    5. 17D-10
    Answer: Option C.
    9Z-20 11A-18 13Y-16 15B-14 ?
    In this , first number of each Pair is increasing by 2 and the last number is decreasing by 2such as
    9_ -20 , 11_-18 , 13_-16 15_-14 , so that next arrangement will be
    15+2_- 14-2=> 17_-12
    two series are appear as alternatively with alphabetical series and reverse alphabetical series, Such as
    Z , A , Y , B Therefore, next letter will be X. Combining both numeric and alphabetical series the next pair
    will be = 17X-12.
  5. If all the digits of the number 49318 are arranged in ascending order from left to right within the number, then what will be the difference between the second digit from the left and the second digit from the right after the rearrangement?
    1. Other than those given as options
    2. 5
    3. 2
    4. 3
    5. 4
    Answer: Option B.
    If all the digits of the number 49318 are arranged in ascending order from left to right within the number, then number become 13489.
    After the rearrangement, Second digit from the left is 3 and the second digit from the right is 8,
    then Difference between them= 8-3=5
  6. In a certain code language,
    'pod na joc' means 'very bright boy';
    'tam nu pod' means 'the boy comes';
    'nu per ton' means 'keep the doll';
    'joc ton su' means 'very good doll'.
    Which of the following means 'bright' in the same code language?
    1. joc
    2. Pod
    3. Ton
    4. Na
    5. None of these
    Answer: Option D.
    In statements (1) and (2), the common code word is 'pod' and the common word is 'boy'.
    So, 'pod' stands for 'boy'.
    In statements (1) and (4), the common code word is 'joc' and the common word is 'very'.
    So, 'joc' stands for 'very'.
    So, in (1) 'na' stands for 'bright'.
  7. What should come in place of question mark (?) in the series given below?
    1. F
    2. E
    3. Q
    4. B
    5. G
    Answer: Option B.
    A A B C A A B C D A A B C D E A A B C D ?
    In this, segregate the arrangement in such a way written bellow:
    Therefore, the complete pair will be AABCDEF next letter after D will be E.
    DIRECTIONS for question 10: What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number/alphabetic series?
  8. 12 34 54 71 84 ?
    1. 89
    2. 92
    3. 124
    4. 102
    5. 110
    Answer: Option B.
    The respective differences between the terms : 22, 20, 17, 13
    The difference between differences : 2, 3, 4 & 5
    The difference is 18 & the required no. = 84 + 8 = 92
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