Test Pattern & Selection Procedure of Mahindra & Mahindra

Mahindra & Mahindra is core company headquartered in Mumbai, India. It is one of the largest automobile manufacturers in India. The company works in Automotive, Farm equipment & IT businesses.
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Selection Process:
The company conducts recruitment process every year to select new candidates. The selection process of the company consists of 3 rounds. These rounds are as follows:
  • Written Exam
  • Technical Interview
  • HR Interview
Academic Criteria:
  • Minimum 55 percent aggregate in Class X and XII and 60 percent in Graduation.
  • Gap of maximum 1 year permissible in the entire academic career and that too only between any two courses.
  • No loss of year(i.e. no year gap) due to failure to pass any exam.
  • Branches allowed- Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics.
Pattern of Written Exam:
The Mahindra & Mahindra Test Pattern is divided in the following sub-sections:
Sections No. of questions Time Allotted (in minutes)
Quantitative Ability and Reasoning 70 40
Verbal Ability 100 40
Total 170 80
There is no negative marking in the paper.
  • Quantitative Ability & Reasoning section consists of questions from the topics like algebra, time & work, time, speed & distance, arithmetic, percentages, profit & loss, geometry, etc. This section is of moderate level. Also, the section consists of data interpretation and data sufficiency questions. These include pie charts, line graphs, blood relations, coding, etc.
  • Verbal Ability section consists of questions from tenses, subject verb agreement, prepositions, sentence correction, confusables etc. The section also consists of reading comprehension passages.
Overall the level of the paper is moderate Only those candidates who clear the written exam will qualify for the next round.
*The Company reserves the right to make changes in the written exam.
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