Google Reasoning Question

DIRECTIONS for question 1 to 4: Study the given information carefully to answer the given question. Seven boxes M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are kept one above the other, but not necessarily in the same order. Each box is of a different shape. Square, Triangular, Rectangular, Hexagonal, Conical, Pentagonal and Octagonal, but not necessarily in the same order. The hexagonal box is kept immediately below M. Only two boxes are kept between the Hexagonal box and the square box. More than two boxes are kept above the square box. Only one box is kept between the square box and R. O is kept immediately above R. Neither O nor S is a hexagonal box. S is kept immediately above the Pentagonal box. S is not a square box. N is kept immediately above Q. Only box is kept between the N and the triangular box. N is kept above the triangular box. Only two boxes are kept between the Triangular and the Octagonal box. The Rectangular box is kept neither at the top nor at the bottom of the stack.
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  1. Which of the following is kept immediately below R?
    1. S
    2. The Triangular Box
    3. P
    4. N
    5. The Conical Box
    Answer: Option D.
    N is kept immediately below R
    Position Shape Name
    1 Conical O
    1 Conical O
    2 Octagonal R
    3 Rectangular N
    4 Square Q
    5 Triangular S
    6 Pentagon M
    7 Hexagonal P
  2. Which of the following boxes is rectangular in shape?
    1. R
    2. N
    3. M
    4. O
    5. Other than those given as options
    Answer: Option B.
    N is rectangular in shape
    Position Shape Name
    1 Conical O
    1 Conical O
    2 Octagonal R
    3 Rectangular N
    4 Square Q
    5 Triangular S
    6 Pentagon M
    7 Hexagonal P
  3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
    1. M-Triangular
    2. M-Hexagonal
    3. O-Octagonal
    4. S-Square
    5. S-Conical
    Answer: Option E.
    Position Shape Name
    1 Conical O
    1 Conical O
    2 Octagonal R
    3 Rectangular N
    4 Square Q
    5 Triangular S
    6 Pentagon M
    7 Hexagonal P
  4. What is the position of S in the given stack of boxes?
    1. Second from the top
    2. Fourth from the top
    3. Third from the bottom
    4. Third from the top
    5. Second from the bottom
    Answer: Option C.
    Position of S is third from bottom
    Position Shape Name
    1 Conical O
    1 Conical O
    2 Octagonal R
    3 Rectangular N
    4 Square Q
    5 Triangular S
    6 Pentagon M
    7 Hexagonal P
    DIRECTIONS for the questions 5 to 7: Read the given information carefully and answer the question.
    Each of the six buildings, C, D, E, F, G and H has different number of floors. E has the second lowest number of floors. D has more number of floors than C and H but less than F. F does not have the maximum number of floors. H has less number of floors than both G and E. The building having second highest number of floors has 40 floors. C has 28 floors.
  5. If the number of floors in buildings E + C is seven more than the number of floors in building F, how many floors are there in building E?
    1. 47
    2. 19
    3. 34
    4. 12
    5. 16
    Answer: Option B.
    G> F> D> C> E> H
    │ │
    40 28
    E + C = 7 + F => E + 28 = 7 + 40
    E = 19.
  6. How many floors does building H possibly have?
    1. 56
    2. 41
    3. 30
    4. 16
    5. 35
    Answer: Option D.
    │ │
    40 28
    E + C = 7 + F ⇒ E + 28 = 7 + 40
    E = 19.
    As E is having 19 floors, it implies that H can have less than 19 floors. So that, from options building H has 16 floors which is less than 19.
  7. Which of the following is true regarding the number of floors in building G?
    1. The difference between number of floors in G and C is less than 12.
    2. Only D has more number of floors than G.
    3. G has more number of floors than only one building
    4. No other building has less floors than G.
    5. G possibly has 47 floors
    Answer: Option E.
    │ │
    40 28
    E + C = 7 + F ⇒ E + 28 = 7 + 40
    E = 19.
    F=40, G is greater than F.
    G is having maximum no. of floors; it implies that only option E is correct.
  8. Pointing out to a lady, Karim said, "She is the daughter of the woman who is the mother of the husband of my mother". Who is the lady to Karim?
    1. Aunt
    2. Granddaughter
    3. Daughter
    4. Sister
    5. Sister-in-law
    Answer: Option A
    The lady in photo is the sister of Karim's father,hence his aunt.
  9. If the alternate letters in the following alphabet starting from 'A' are changed into small letter leaving the rest in capitals, which of the following represents the second month after June?
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    1. AugusT
    2. AUgUsT
    3. augusT
    4. August
    5. auguST
    Answer: Option C.
  10. If by arranging the letters of the word UTLSO, the name of a flower is formed, which of the following pairs represents the first and the last letters of the word so formed respectively?
    1. TO
    2. OS
    3. LS
    4. TS
    5. LT
    Answer: Option C.
    The name of flower is LOTUS.
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