Sample Verbal Questions of Deloitte

Verbal section is a part of Deloitte's online written test. It features questions based on vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension passages. These questions are in the form of error identification, sentence improvement, word selection, sentence selection, sentence ordering, synonyms, antonyms, etc. Here, you can practice sample questions for the verbal section:
Deloitte Verbal Questions
DIRECTIONS for questions 1 to 2: In each of these questions, a statement is followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. Mark answer as :
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  1. if only Assumption II is implicit.
  2. if only Assumption I is implicit.
  3. if either Assumption I or II is implicit.
  4. if neither Assumption I nor II is implicit
  1. Statement : Lack of stimulation in the first four-five years of life can have adverse consequences. Assumptions :
    1. A great part of the development of observed intelligence occurs in the earliest years of life.
    2. 50 percent of the measurable intelligence at the age of 17 is already predictable by the age of four.
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    Answer: Option B
    Assumption II is only a re-statement of the statement.
    Assumption I is valid because only if this happens will there be adverse consequences later.
  2. Statement :
    Take this 'oven' home and you can prepare very tasty dishes which you were unable to prepare earlier – an advertisement of X brand oven.
    Assumptions :
    1. The user knows the procedure recipe of tasty dishes but does not have a proper oven to cook.
    2. Only ‘X' brand oven can cook very tasty dishes.
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    Answer: Option C
    For making better cakes (or other dishes which can be made in an oven), you need a good recipe or a good oven.
    The assumptions in statement I and II are implied.
DIRECTIONS for the question 3: Pick the correct answer choice for filling the blanks in each of the following sentence.
  1. ____________ the room the door hit him on the brow.
    1. while he was entering
    2. As he entered
    3. On entering
    4. On having entered
    Answer: Option A
    The best answer is A. The conjunction 'while' best brings out the meaning that the person was hit when he was entering the room. The subject is also clear in this option.
DIRECTIONS for the questions 4-5: Some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of the sentence has an error.
  1. He returned back (1)/ when he sensed (2)/ that there was danger (3)/ No error(4)
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    Answer: Option A
    TThis is a classic case of redundancy - 'back' is not required when 'returned' has already been used.
  2. The progress of these plants (1)/ has not been very encouraging (2)/ and they are in various stage of decay (3)/ No error (4)
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    Answer: Option C
    We require the plural 'stages' after 'various'
DIRECTIONS for the question 6 to 10: Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow each passage.
I hope my reader will be convinced, at his very entrance of this work, that he will find in the whole course of it nothing prejudicial to the cause of religion and virtue, nothing inconsistent with the strictest rules of decency, nor which can offend even the chastest eye in the perusal. On the contrary, I declare that to recommend goodness and innocence has been my sincere endeavour in this history. This honest purpose you have been pleased to think I have attained: and to say the truth, it is likeliest to be attained in books of this kind; for an example is a kind of picture, in which virtue becomes, as it were, an object of sight, and strikes us with that loveliness, which Plato assures there is in her naked charms.
Besides displaying that beauty of virtue which may attract the admiration of mankind, I have attempted to engage a stronger motive to human action in her favour, by convincing men, that their true interest directs them to a pursuit of her. For this purpose I have shown that no acquisitions of guilt can compensate the loss of that solid inward comfort of mind, which is the sure companion of innocence and virtue; nor can in the least balance the evil of horror and anxiety, which in their room, guilt introduces in our bosoms. And again, that as these acquisitions are in themselves generally worthless, so are the means to attain them not only base and infamous, but at best uncertain, and always full of danger. Lastly, I have endeavored strongly to inculcate, that virtue and innocence can scarce ever be injured but by indiscretion; and that it is this alone which often betrays them into the snare that deceit and villainy spread for them. A moral which I have the more industriously laboured, as the teaching it is, of all others, the likeliest to be attended with success; since, I believe, it is much easier to make good men wise, than bad men good.
For these purposes, I have employed all the wit and humour of which I am master in the following history; wherein I have endeavoured to laugh mankind out of its favourite follies and vices. How far I have succeeded in this good attempt, I shall submit to the candid reader, with only two requests: first, that he will not expect to find perfection in this work; and secondly, that he will excuse some parts of it, if they fall short of that little merit which I hope may appear in others.
I will detain you, sir, no longer. Indeed I have run into a preface, while I professed to write a dedication. But how can it be otherwise? I dare not praise you; and the only means I know of to avoid it, when you are in my thoughts, are either to be entirely silent, or to turn my subjects to some other subject.
Pardon, therefore, what I have said in this epistle, not only without your consent, but absolutely against it; and give me leave, in this public manner, to declare that I am, with the highest respect, and gratitude, Sir, Your most obliged, obedient, humble servant....
  1. The tone used by the author in the beginning of the passage can best be described as
    1. mellow
    2. deferential
    3. polite
    4. courteous
    Answer: Option D
    The writer follows the normal code of conduct of being civil even while he does contrary to what he was asked to do.
  2. How has the author tried to elicit a favourable opinion of virtue from the readers?
    1. By displaying virtue always wins
    2. By showing readers that a thing obtained by a way of virtue gives twice the job compared to a thing obtained by a way of vice
    3. The Govt. has recently decided to provide post qualification professional training to all engineering graduates at its own cost
    4. By substantiating his claim in proving to the readers that nothing got out of unfair means can compensate for the loss of inward peace
    5. All of the above
    Answer: Option A
    Refer to 2nd paragraph and read, ‘….that virtue and innocence…..indiscretion,’ also, ‘A moral which………success.’
  3. In the first paragraph, 'Her naked charms' - 'her' here refers to
    1. virtue
    2. picture
    3. object
    4. book
    Answer: Option A
    Refer to the 1st paragraph and read, ‘…in which virtue becomes………charms.’
  4. The author seeks forgiveness because
    1. he has detained the reader
    2. he did not seek his patron's permission
    3. he went against the wishes of his patron
    4. he wrote a preface instead of a dedication
    Answer: Option C
    Refer the concluding paragraph, ‘Pardon, therefore,……..against it.’
  5. The preface written by the author is likely to be followed by
    1. an essay on virtue and vice
    2. a play on virtue and vice
    3. a comedy that laughs at absurdities
    4. a fable that stresses the importance and frailties of virtue
    Answer: Option A
    It is not a play as the writer says, ‘books of this kind’, it is also not a comedy or fable as the writer is stating his own point of view.
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